Chapter 28

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##### was the older sister of Ricky by a few years. When she was 22 and in college, he was only 17 and in highschool.

For majority of her life ##### took care of Ricky due to her parents being busy with work. Of course there were the occasional babysitters when they were younger, but it was her that raised her younger brother.

They were close siblings, but as ##### and Ricky began to grow up, they became distant.

They had their own likes and dislikes, their own friend groups with kids their ages - like most siblings they drifted apart and started to talk less despite living in the same home.

However, as they grew, more expectations were placed on #####.

"#####, you're the older sibling, you have to be a good role model for your brother."

"Get into a good college and get good grades to get a well paying job."

"He's your younger brother, cut him some slack."

"You're such a bad behaved child, why can't you be grateful?"

It made her stressed and distant from her younger brother. Why did she have so many expectations placed on her? She can't handle everything and juggle it around. Why couldn't her parents be easier on her like they were with Ricky? She was trying so damn hard.

Ricky was the same, having the pressure to live up to #####'s expectations.

"Ricky, why can't you be like #####?"

"You're older sister got into these colleges, so why can't you?"

"You need to study more and stop being lazy. ##### was in AP and honor classes."

"Can't you try harder? This is disappointing."

He hated it. He hated being compared to his older sister, he was his own person was he not? So why did they always compare him to her? He was trying so damn hard.

But to their parents, for both ##### and Ricky, nothing seemed to be enough and they both blamed each other for their words.

Ricky blamed ##### for placing these expectations on him that he had to live up to so he could be extraordinary just like her.

##### blamed Ricky for making her have to pass these expectations her parents placed on her so she could be a good role model.

They began to fight, more and more. Ricky lashed out at her and ##### fought back. They said harsh, unforgiving words to each other that they didn't mean.

"I hate you #####! Why did you have to exist!? Everything is your fault! Fuck you!"

"You're pathetic Ricky, blaming me for something I didn't do. Just disappear if you hate me that much!"

(It was just in the moment that they said it. They were clouded by anger- they never meant it, never did. "Please forgive me- I didn't mean it." They could never get those words out of their heads, the damage had already been done)

They could never apologize to each other, they never did.

So when ##### moved out for college, Ricky stayed home. They didn't contact each other at all unless it was for a, "Happy Birthday" or "Merry Christmas". There was never a, "How are you doing?" ever asked between them.

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