Chapter 40

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Hibari Kyoya was running away from a fight.

After accidentally getting his box weapon partner flame drunk and causing mass destruction in the area they were in as well as Irei trying to move the locations around, Kyoya decided to help Kusakabe out with the unconscious and beat up members of Vongola.

Adult Kusakabe looked at the younger Kyoya in shock as he wrapped Gokudera's arm around his shoulder, helping carry him. "I still owe this guy a favor. Plus, if I let you die here, I won't be able to bite you to death," Kyoya explained.

"Kyo... Kyo-san..." Kusakabe muttered. Then his eyes widened. "Tomoe-san?! Where is she?!"

The two looked around frantically. 'Dammit!' Kusakabe cursed under his breath. He was too distracted with helping the others and Kyoya's fight. And the moment he looked away from her...

Tomoe was gone.

"Vongola has already passed our third defense block."

"It's fine, just as expected," Irie replied, hand placed on the orb. "My defense block is more than that!"

The moment Tomoe awakened she realized that she was in the middle of Kyoya and the Phantom Knight's battle.

She had to get out of there as soon as she could. And when Kusakabe turned his attention away from her, shouting at Kyoya what to do with his flames and box weapon...

She ran.

Now, in hindsight it might have not been the best idea to separate from her allies and run around like a chicken without a head, but Tomoe's hyper intuition was yelling at her to get the hell out of there.

So, the girl trusted it.

Did she currently have a plan? I mean, no. No she did not. All plans were scrapped after adult Kyoya knocked her out. She one hundred percent knew that she got a concussion from that.

Tomoe was going to wing it. Improvise everything and anything. She'd make use of her surroundings and the people she somehow meets up with.

That's how she'll survive. I mean, that's what she's done from the beginning, right?

But for now, her main goal was to meet up with her family. That would be difficult though, it's not like she's going to-


-run into them. Huh. Looks like plot armor was on her side for once.

The raven head stopped running, coming face to face with Ao, Juno, Momo, Aiko, and Hikari.

"You're alive!" Momo cried out in relief, hugging the shorter girl. "Thank goodness!!!"

"I'm glad you guys are safe too," Tomoe let out a happy sigh, accepting the hug before looking over at each of them. "Any injuries?" She let out a humming sound as Momo's sun flames gently wrapped around her injuries, healing them.

"None at all," Aiko answered, fixing her hood. "Thankfully, somehow we were all moved to the same place."

"And now we ran into you," Juno added. "This is perfect."

Ao nodded in agreement. "Let's go brats. I know the quickest way to get to Irie's device."

Hikari gripped her spear tighter. "Shoichi-kun..."

Tomoe fixed her cloak, expression serious. "Lead the way, Uncle Ao!"

Tsuna, Spanner, and Reborn all looked at the big device in front of them, the one that appeared in Tsuna's dreams, haunting him.

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