Chapter 12

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Tomoe walked alongside Juno. The two had met up and were both heading the same direction and to the same location, TakeSushi.

Going inside, Tomoe smiled. "Hey Yamamoto-san! Ju-chan and I are here- OH MY GOD!" She yelled out when she saw the fallen father and son pair on the floor. Beside them was also a kneeling Tsuna as Reborn sat on the counter with Bianchi standing next to him.

"Yamamoto-san!" Juno rushed over to the older man, worried. "Are you alright?!"

"Alright?! Ju-chan we need a hospital!" Tomoe took out her phone, dialing the number. "What happened here Reborn-chan?"

"It seems as if Bianchi accidentally developed a new skill of delaying the reaction time of poison in her food."

"Poison?!" Juno exclaimed as Tomoe's eyes widened. "Kocho-san call the cops!"

"I think the ambulance is more important right now!" she replied and looked over at Bianchi. "You're Bianchi, right?" The woman crossed her arms and nodded. "Are you Haya-chan's older sister?"

"Yes I am, who are you to my dear Reborn and little brother?" she asked.

"Not even close to being an acquaintance. Now then, please look at a cookbook or two because giving people food poisoning is not a good thing. Okay, Chi-chan?"

Bianchi blinked. "Chi-chan?"

"Ugh... M-My stomach."

"The ambulance is on the way you three, please stay alive!"

"Why is there a teenage boy crying in a ball?" Tomoe blurted out loud on accident. "I can tell he doesn't go to our school because of what he's wearing."

Tsuna and the crying Lambo flinched. "K-Kocho-senpai! U-Um, this is just... Uh!"

"Wait a minute..." Tomoe muttered and walked over, leaning down close to Lambo. The boy flinched, blushing slightly. "Aren't you..."

"K-Kocho-senpai!" a squeaky voice shouted and Tomoe paused, leaning back from Lambo and looking to see Hikari. "W-We need some help lifting up the boxes."

"Hmmm, alright. I'll be there in a second Hika-chan," she replied and then looked back at Lambo before patting his head and giving him a handkerchief. "Don't cry, things will get better."

Lambo gladly took the handkerchief. "T-Thanks..." Tomoe nodded to them before walking away from the scene with Hikari.

He silently stared at the piece of cloth. "Lambo?" Tsuna questioned, confused as to why he was silent and no longer crying.

"I... I think I'm in love with that nee-san..."


Kusakabe and Tomoe were talking happily outside in the courtyard when an explosion occurred due to a bright light that suddenly appeared in the sky.

Tomoe squinted her eyes. "Man? Another bomb? Is it from America again or what?"

"Kocho-san please stop being insensitive," Kusakabe replied and she let out a chuckle.

"My bad my bad, the opportunity was there and I took it." She cheekily grinned, waving a dismissing hand. "Anyways, didn't I tell you to call me by my first name, Tetsu-chan? C'mon, it's been years already."

He let out a small smile. "Years... I guess it has been Tomoe-san."

"Yeah..." She looked at the now clear sky. "It has."

Reincarnation, I Want a Peaceful Life - KHR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now