Chapter 42

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'One day after coming home from Melone Base... Even though Lal Mirch collapsed, her life is not in danger. Gokudera and Yamamoto also... look very energetic! Hibari-senpai disappeared somewhere along with Kocho-senpai and her allies. And Kusakaba-senpai went to look for the two of them, but what would happen? And the Vongola box we got yesterday! We tried to open it but the fights made us exhausted. The ring's flames were too weak and thus, the box was not opened... And in these two days, we rested properly...'

Hibari Kyoya was someone who preferred to get straight to the point rather than pointless talking. He was brash and uncaring of others beneath him, whom he saw as simple herbivores.

But in his entire life he would never patiently listen to anyone, not even his parents, however Kocho Tomoe was always different.

He knew she was different, ever since they were kids. Hibari knew on that day when he first met the daughter of his father's friend, that she was an anomaly.

Her eyes said it all. Was he the only one who noticed? Why did no one else notice? It was unnerving- it was different, and as a kid he was terrified yet curious.

Now? Now he thought they were beautiful.

Kocho Tomoe was always someone who he wanted by his side. She was a mysterious friend, who always seemed to be like a puzzle and Hibari countlessly tried to solve her.

All he ever wanted was to figure out Kocho Tomoe, to understand her, to be by her side, to protect her.

Yet Hibari Kyoya always felt like despite being by her side, he was always a few steps behind. Instead of walking with her, right next to her, he was walking behind her.

All he ever wanted was to be acknowledged by Tomoe. For her to look at him.

But why...? After being by her side for so long, for knowing her since childhood... Why was it that man?

Why was he allowed to walk by her side in sync? To be by her side and know her secrets, to understand her like he does, but in a more intimate way?

Byakuran knew Tomoe in a way he didn't.

But even then, seeing how they interacted, despite being so similar... Not even Byakuran could finish solving the puzzle that was Tomoe. Hibari didn't like it. He didn't like Byakuran. He didn't like how Tomoe chose that man over him.

His heart, mind, body, and soul hated it all.

She was his first, first friend, first one to realize her complexities... Hibari was always there first to experience things with Tomoe and understand her. And he was going to solve the puzzle first, to find out the try Tomoe, to finally put the last piece into place and be able to finally walk by her side.

He was the first one by her side and he would be the last one to leave it.

All Hibari Kyoya ever wanted in his life was Kocho Tomoe.

He spent the majority of his life with her and yet he was still unraveling the secrets, the lies, the life of Tomoe. And even now in the future...

Hibari frowned at the group of herbivores which surrounded her. After Irie Shoichi explained the truth about the Vongola boxes and what the future Tsunayoshi planned, the group headed back to Namimori and then when Tomoe and her... allies... went to leave, he followed.

After all, he and Tomoe were overdue for a long, long conversation.

"Tomoe," Hibari grumbled, making her attention turn back to him. His scowl got deeper when the other herbivores stared at him with conflicting looks.

Reincarnation, I Want a Peaceful Life - KHR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now