Chapter 27

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"Tomoe... What are you wearing?" Kyoya asked, looking dumbfounded at the girl who was wearing sweatpants, boots, a long sleeved shirt with a hoodie above it, and a jacket which covered the hoodie.

"I'm being prepared, duh!" she replied, grabbing some snacks and stuffed them into her pockets along with her nunchucks. "It's the battle for the snow ring. Snow! The battlefield will definitely be cold and we all know I can't handle the cold, ironic as it is. So, I'm making sure I'll be warm for the battle."

Kyoya blinked, turning away without another word.

"A-Ah wait for me, Kyo-chan!"

(He didn't wait, walking out of the house.)

Tsuna, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Ryohei, Basil, Dino, and Reborn all waited for Tomoe to appear. The Varia were already waiting beside the Cevello sisters, wondering when the girl would appear. They all stood outside the school, waiting for the person of the hour to appear.

"Where is she?!" Gokudera fumed, impatiently tapping his foot against the ground. "To think she'd leave the Tenth waiting like this!"

"Now, now, Kocho-senpai will probably be here any minute," Yamamoto replied, smiling uneasily.

Ryohei pumped his fist into the air. "That's right! Kocho-senpai won't back down from an EXTREME fight!"

Tsuna didn't say anything, but continued to hesitantly stare at the gate. 'Will... Will she come?'

Dino, who noticed Tsuna's mood, patted his shoulder. "Don't worry about it lil bro, Tomoe-chan will come, trust her."


"Shishishi, it's almost midnight," Belphegor said aloud, grinning. "Do you think the princess ran off~?"

"Hah?! As if Kocho-senpai would run away!" Ryohei retorted, defending her. "Kocho-senpai will always have our backs and help us out when needed the most. She's EXTREMELY loyal!"

"Aw, you're making me blush, Ryo-chan," a voice said and everyone looked at the gates to see Tomoe with Kyoya by her side.

"Hibari-san and Kocho-senpai!"

"She's here..." Tsuna breathed out in relief.

"Took you long enough woman!" Gokudera snarled and Tomoe grinned.

"Ara, I didn't know you wanted to see me sooner Haya-chan," she teased as she walked up to the grey haired male. "Maybe I should call Chi-chan and tell her that her lil bro is crushing on me."

"URK-!" he felt sick at the thought of Bianchi coming near him. He even felt more sick with Tomoe's accusation of him having a crush on her.

Kyoya growled. "It's too crowded, herbivores. Hurry with this fight so I can get my turn."

"Yes, yes, Kyo-chan. I'll make sure to finish it as fast as I can," the girl replied, patting his arm and turning to the Cevello twins. "So, who am I fighting against and where?"

"Follow us, we shall lead you to the battlefield," one of them said and both groups followed at a distance as they walked through the school hallways in a tense silence.

"The battle between the Guardians of Snow will be occurring here."

"This is..."

"...the school kitchen?"

Tomoe blinked. "You know, I expected to be fighting in a freezer," she confessed to the others out loud. "I mean, that's why I bundled up in clothes."

If Ao was here, he'd sigh in disappointment, but he wasn't, so the others just awkwardly sweatdropped while Kyoya ignored her.

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