Chapter 31

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"...K-Kocho-senpai...?" Yamamoto stuttered out, shocked at the scene in front of him.

There was his beloved upperclassman who was strong, stronger than Hibari perhaps, laying on the ground defeated, covered in knives and blood.

The two boys never thought that he would see a scene like this before them. But now they had only two thoughts.

One. Hibari was going to rampage and kill possibly everybody in rage for Tomoe.

Two. They were going to beat the hell out of Belphegor for harming their girl guardian(s).

Belphegor grinned, holding a throwing knife against Chrome. "Would you like to hand over the rings you're holding? Otherwise, I'll peel the skin off her bones and kill her in the most gruesome way possible," he threatened and put his foot against Tomoe's head. "And I'll crush her head so she can die for good."

"Fuck you!" Gokudera yelled. "You think we'd fall for that cheap trick?!"

"Who do you think I am? We're the assassin squad, Varia, you know? When it comes to killing... We don't bluff." He pressed the knife against Chrome's cheek, drawing blood.


"Stop!" Gokudera grit his teeth. "I don't trust you... Even if we hand over the rings, you have no intention of letting Dokuro and Kocho go. Isn't that right?"

He pressed the knife deeper. "It's up to you to believe me or not, but... If you keep dallying she'll die from the poison before I skin her anyway." Belphegor then nudged Tomoe with his foot. "And she'll be dying of blood loss any moment."


"No choice then," Yamamoto said. "Looks like we have no choice but to hand over the rings... Apart from the mist and snow ring you have, Gokudera and I have the remaining rings."

"!" "Oh?"

Gokudera gawked. "Oi! Are you crazy?!"

Yamamoto put an arm out in front of the grey haired teen. "But, we're not accepting such a one sided deal. First, cure the girl's poison in exchange for the rain and cloud rings. Second, back away from Kocho-senpai. Once you've done that we will trust you and exchange the remaining rings for the girls."

"Oi, oi, do you actually know who has the upper hand here?"

"Well... it's fine, Bel," Mammon replied. "We'll still come out even."

"Shishishi. That's true too."

Gokudera fumed. "Damn you, Yamamoto! Do you have any idea what you're saying?!"

"Don't approach within reach of your sword," the Varia's storm ordered. "Just stand where you are now and roll the rings over."

"Whenever you're ready."

"Uwa~ the cheek," Belphegor mumbled, grinning. "Oh well, whatever. Then. One, two..." He inserted the ring into Chrome's watch. "Three."

"Here." Yamamoto dropped the rings to roll them to only trip on a piece of stone debris and fall over. "Waaah!" 'Now! Shigure Souen style third offensive form, Sudden Downpour!'

He kicked his sword, hitting Belphegor's ball and socket joint at his shoulder, making him scream in pain and get pushed back from Chrome.

"Argh!" "What!"

"He kicked his sword?!" Gokudera exclaimed in shock.

Before Mammon could move, Yamamoto was already at their side, the tip of his sword pointed at the Arcobaleno's neck. "Don't move."

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