100k Special Chapter

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to say thank you all so much for 100k on this story! Like wow, I'm honored, especially since I know there aren't many people who are still in the KHR fandom around. So thank you so much for sticking to this story even though I know it's not the greatest. Also sorry for the irregular updates, college has me busy and because of that my updates are random and short. I'll try to get back into pace. Anyhow, onto the special chapters. Be prepared for chaos and fun times. Thanks for waiting!

Raccoons :

"This is not a sign that something good will happen to me!" Tomoe screeched out, running through the backyards of people as she was chased by a horde of angry raccoons.

How did she get into this situation?


(This author won't tell you how, tee-hee)

Now- I will now tell you all how this happened. Let's go back to Chapter 21.




Tomoe walked down the empty roads of her neighborhood, wearing a light green jacket to cover her short sleeves, black sweatpants that stopped at her ankles, and black sneakers. 

It was supposed to be a quick walk outside, to get some fresh air and clear out her head. But... She should have never decided to stop by the 24/7 open grocery store to get some late afternoon, almost late night snacks.

Damn. That's where all the problems started for her. Actually, she should have just stayed inside the first place, but back to the story.

The store doors slid open as she walked in, squinting at the bright lights. She glanced at the counter where a worker was wearing a blue shirt with a name tag, on their phone and waning loudly. Bet they were tired and bored from the uninteresting shift.

'Ah well, it's not my problem,' Tomoe thought to herself as she made her way to the snack isle. 'Hmm... Maybe I should get some mini marshmallows or maybe some Cheetos.'

"Mini marshmallows it is," she decided with a nod and grabbed a bag and walked to the counter. The worker looked up from their phone with a sigh and scanned the item. 

"Your total will be- argh forget it, just take it for free," the boy said, rolling his eyes. "Fuck, I hate this job. I'm quitting."

Tomoe blinked. "Absolute mood. Thanks man." And with that, she walked out with the bag of free marshmallows. Looking at the sky, she noticed it was becoming darker, the sunset rays slowly disappearing. 'Guess I should go back.'



Rustle. Rustle.


"FGHI◊HEIW-" Tomoe broke there seeing a trash panda looking up at her. "S-So... SO CUTE!"

"Squeak!" The raccoon stood on two legs, arms reaching out and up, trying to grab the bag of marshmallows in Tomoe's hands.

"Ah. You want some? Give me a sec." The raven head girl opened up the bag, grabbing a handful and pouring them into the raccoon's hands.

"Squeak!" The raccoon cupped the white fluffy goodness and ate them from its hands.

"So cute..." she mumbled, wanting to touch the trash panda. "You're a little bandit aren't ya?" She chuckled, referring to the black over the raccoons eyes which made them look like cute little thieves.

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