Chapter 41

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Tomoe smirked. "The Varia."

"The messy squad, physically and mentally," Aiko muttered. "I wonder how they're doing?"

"Eh. Enough about them, they'll be fine," Tomoe hummed, waving a dismissing hand. "I bet they're kicking ass right now."

The Varia in fact, were not totally fine, nor kicking ass right now.




Well Xanxus finally decided to join the fight, so they'll be fine.


Tomoe walked up to the container where the younger versions of the Vongola group was being held. "Sho-chan, we need to get the injured on the stretchers. Mo-chan, can you heal them up?"

"Yes ma'am!" she playfully saluted and Irie opened up the container.

"Is everyone okay?!"

"Tenth are you injured?!"


Irie approached Chrome who held Lambo along with Tomoe. 'I haven't seen him as that baby for ten years.' "Are... are you okay?"

"He is asleep," Chrome answered and Tomoe gently petted her and Lambo's head.

The peaceful moment was ruined though.

"Oi Irie, let me punch you once," Gokudera grumbled. "Even if you had your own reasons for doing this, we still want to vent our anger on you."

"Let me do it first," Kyoya replied, holding up his tonfa, making him flinch.

"Guh!" He jumped back, hiding behind Juno and Aiko. "Wait you all?!"

"Wait guys, don't we have something to ask Irie. What exactly is Byakuran's power?" Tsuna perked up next to Momo, who was by the stretchers healing Ryohei and Yamamoto.

"Uh... it's hard to explain. It can only be used under a certain circumstance. But all the unbelievable things that happened in this era have caused the birth of Byakuran's power."

'Unbelievable things?' Tsuna looked confused and turned to Tomoe to try and get some answers, but the girl seemed to be in deep thought.

Reborn then suddenly perked up. "Giannini just received news from Italy about the main battle." He smiled. "Looks like Xanxus managed to defeat his opponents."


"For real?!"

'Xanxus... That Xanxus did it!'

Irie let out a sigh of relief, putting a hand on his stomach. Hikari lightly rubbed his back. "Do you need your stomach medicine?"

"I'm fine..." Irie looked at the others. "Finally the news we've been waiting for. I don't want to be a wet blanket, but... It's too early to celebrate. Even if you've defeated their general, the strength of their army is far superior to yours. If the Millefiore appoint a new general and draw out the battle..."

"There's no need to worry about that. The enemy has begun to retreat," Reborn said confidently.

"Whoa!" "Ehh?!"

"Then, that means... we've won right?!" Irie cheered.

"Well, yes."

"That means we can really do it! The Vongola's fighting power is much higher than we expected! They even managed to overcome the main force!"

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