Chapter 24

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When Tomoe got home, Jun was still wide awake, waiting for her return. He gave her a giant hug and quietly fussed over her to not wake the others inside the estate.

Jun's brotherly attitude filled with worry and love made the anger in Tomoe vanish as he cared for her wrist (by rubbing some cream on it), but it solidified the urge to protect her family from the mafia, from the future.

However, while Jun was being like an overprotective brother and complaining how she shouldn't have gone out so late and returned in the middle of the night, they were frozen like deer in the headlights when their father came into the living room.

"Why are you two awake?" Shinjiro asked, yawning as he rubbed his eyes. "Am I still dreaming?"

"Uuuuh yes?" Jun replied, making his voice more high pitched. "This is just a dream~ What you are seeing is nothing but a fragment of your imagination."

"Imagination~~~" Tomoe echoed, joining in on the act.

Shinjiro deadpanned. " I graduated medical school and I'm a surgeon/doctor, I'm not that stupid, you two." He walked over to the two of them, hands on his hips. "Why are both awake?"

"I could ask you the same thing oyaji," Jun retorted. "Don't you have work tomorrow?"

"I do, but I just got home an hour ago," he answered. "There's been this patient that I've been treating and he was in surgery for hours due to his critical condition. He'd been going in and out of being stabilized, his heart stopped twice too." He sighed, ruffling his blond hair. "Now tell me why you two are awake."

The siblings looked at each other and Tomoe sighed. "I went out and Jun was waiting for me to return."

"Where the hell did you go out this late?!" Shinjiro hissed out. "Tomoe! You know it's not safe out there at a time like this even with the police and Kyoya's DC around. You could have gotten kidnapped or worse, murdered!"

"Dad calm down," is what Tomoe would have said if she were any younger and dumber. Wrong words to use to an enraged adult, it'll just make them even more mad.

"Alright, I understand dad, it won't happen again," she lied and Shinjiro sighed.

"Good, now get to sleep. You're lucky I won't tell your mother about this."

They sighed. "Goodnight dad/oyagi..."

Tomoe only got a few hours of sleep when it became morning. Instead of training with the others first thing, she decided to visit Lambo who was in Nakayama surgery, from what Haru and Kyoko told her.

She visited the boy who was on the oxygen machine and stayed for around twenty minutes, apologizing to him and saying how she was proud. Before she left, she placed some flowers into a vase beside his bed.

When she left the hospital, Tomoe ran into someone unexpected.


"Shishishi~ If it isn't the snow guardian."

'Just like the mistakes of many people, abort abort!' She ran the other direction from Belphegor, but it seems as if the crazy prince decided to not let her have a peaceful day for once since he chased her down.

"Come back here~ This prince just wants to talk to you."

"I'm sorry your highness, but not today!"

Belphegor eyes blinked under his bangs. 'She didn't question if I'm a prince or not?' A grin made it onto his face. "Shishishi. You're interesting~!"

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