Chapter 32

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In the training area of the Kocho estate, Milo and Tomoe exchanged blows, Gintoki and Jun watching the two battle it out. They both used wooden weapons in order to not harm each other too badly.

Milo swung down down and Tomoe used her nunchuck to intercept it, her other nunchuck aiming for his head to which he dodged by ducking down. The blond haired teen sweeped her legs from under, causing the girl to grunt as she fell down onto her back. Before Milo could hit her again, she rolled back, still holding on her nunchucks. Tomoe was about to lunge at him, but Milo had thrown his sword at her, making the girl swing her nunchucks to deflect the weapon, causing her view to momentarily be blocked.

As the nunchuck began to swing the sword away, Tomoe was tackled by the older male, causing her to let out a gasp as her breath was momentarily taken away from her. 'Shit!' Before she could do anything, Milo had already unarmed her other hand and elbowed her wrist, causing the nunchucks to fall to the ground. Tomoe kicked his side with what little strength she had, but Milo had already pinned her to the ground.

"That's enough," Gintoki said, his deep voice echoing in the dojo. "Milo wins again, good job."

Getting off of his sister, Milo helped her up before bowing to the older male. "Thank you, Gintoki-sensei."

"Argh, that was painful," Tomoe muttered, rubbing the wrist which Milo elbowed.

Jun winced at the red mark. "I swear I heard a crack. Milo, did you really have to go all out on us?"

"There will be no mercy in a true battle," Milo replied, wiping the sweat off his face with his shirt. "Rather to prolong a battle by not going all out, I prefer to keep them short by giving everything I got."

"How honorable," Jun replied, tying his long blond hair into a bun. "But seriously, I use a bow! A bow! There's no way I could go against a swordsman. You'd charge at me before I could knock on another arrow."

"You chose the weapon," Milo retorted in a monotone voice.

"Still! Mercy!"

"Jun-nii, you could just use martial arts like you do against Kyo-chan," Tomoe argued, taking a large gulp of water. "What makes you not want to do that against Milo-nii?"

"I don't want to injure my beautiful face!"

"???" the two younger siblings titled their heads.

Jun flailed his arms around. "Whenever I fight against Milo it's like fighting against myself. He's my twin, we look the same. Would you want to punch your own beautiful face?! It's our only redeeming quality!"

'True...' Tomoe and Milo sweatdropped, but they had to agree.

Gintoki appeared behind Jun, smacking the back of his head which made the boy squawk. "Enough chatter and slacking. Milo, take a break. Jun and Tomoe, get ready to spar."

The older of the two groaned and Tomoe could only sigh. It would be a long hard day of training with Gintoki.

However, before the two could walk back onto the floor, the dojo doors slid open to reveal a small black haired boy.


"Jun-nii! Milo-nii! Neechan!" the boy exclaimed, happily running over to his sister with all the speed a three year old could have. He latched himself onto her leg. "Play... p-please."

Tomoe kneeled down onto his level and let the boy wrap his arms around him and she habitually picked him up as she stood. "Sorry Arashi, we're busy training."

The boy pouted, looking down slightly. "P-Play..."

Jun grinned, swooping in to take Arashi from Tomoe's arms and twirled him around in the air. "Play? Of course we can play!"

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