Chapter 22

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"I can't stop trembling..." Tsuna murmured as he stared at his shaking hand. "I want to run away... Maybe I should try running..."

"Tsuna!" Yamamoto shouted, placing his arm on his shoulder. "Yo!"

"Ya... Yamamoto!"

"Just as I thought, I couldn't sleep yesterday," he said. "I couldn't calm down, so I figured I should go to school." 'So Yamamoto is also nervous too.' "Man~ It's so exciting!" he grinned, hands behind his head.

"What?!" 'His mental structure is different!'

He grinned, showing off his teeth. "It'll be all right... Initially, the only thing I had in mind was how to beat that long haired dude, but this isn't my battle, but it's our battle... You're not alone, Tsuna. Let's win this together."

Tsuna stared up at him in shock. "Yamamoto..."

"Obviously! Who can allow those guys to take care of Vongola!" Gokudera shouted, appearing with a cigarette in his mouth as he carried a large box.


"No matter who it is, I'll get rid of them! The one who will win is us. Leave it to us, tenth!" he declared, smirking.

'It's the same pattern all over again~! I'm getting dragged into their groundless enthusiasm!' Tsuna internally freaked out before letting out a huff of a smile. 'But... When they say that, it makes me feel like everything will be alright. It's strange...' He looked back at his hand. 'Ah... My shivering stopped.'

"Hm? What's this, Gokudera?" Yamamoto asked, opening the cardboard box. "Paper airplanes?"

"Wha! Hey you, don't open it!" the grey haired boy snapped.

Tsuna looked in the box, confused. "What do you plan to do with all these paper airplanes?"

Gokudera let out a dopey smile. "I'm going to use it to train. I still haven't mastered it yet so... I'm going to train in the mountains now," he explained. 'You train with paper airplanes?!' "By the way, I wonder what the guardian of the ring of mist is doing. He didn't even show up at such an important time."

"I wonder who it is," Yamamoto wondered.

"I just wish for that person to be someone better than that dumb cow..." Gokudera confessed.

"T-True," Tsuna agreed, sweatdropping.

"Hibari wasn't around either. I want to try fighting him," the baseball addict replied and Gokudera made a face.

"He's probably sleeping in the reception room..."

"But, he should be training with Dino-san," Tsuna said.

On Namimori Middle School's rooftop, columns were cracked and had holes in them as blood coated the floor.

Both Dino and Kyoya stood there covered in blood and wounds as they continued to fight.

"I haven't heard from Kyo-chan since yesterday," Tomoe mumbled aloud as she sat in the chair of her classroom desk. She sat next to the window, the second to last row.

"Kocho-chan are you okay?" a girl with dirty blond hair tied into a long braid asked, touching her shoulder. "You seem out of it."

Tomoe sighed. "I'm fine Mo-chan, I'm just worried about Kyo-chan."

"Well knowing Hibari, he should be fine," Mitoshiba Momo, one of her classmates who freely interacted with her, replied. "Now turn that frown upside down! We got a whole day ahead of us after all!"

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