Chapter 20

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Reborn always had his suspicions about the teenage girl named Kocho Tomoe.

He did not notice her at first, nor did he pay any attention to her. He just thought of her as another student in Namimori.

He began to hear her name more, whispers and talks about her. When he first saw her inside the gym when Tsuna was fighting, he barely spared her a glance. However, after catching a whiff of her in the hallway seeming to be walking away from him, he sensed them.

He sensed the lingering feelings of flames.

After that, he had his eyes on her.

He watched and observed and analyzed. He did everything to get a reaction out of her flames, learn more about her- he wanted to figure out this puzzle of Kocho Tomoe.

He expected that he would figure out the mystery behind the girl whom he felt flames from by confronting her or by getting her to join Vongola (though he wasn't sure what element she was) as a guardian or a subordinate.

He knew that Tomoe was a smart, rational thinking girl. So, if she did have flames and planned on attacking them or an enemy, he had a feeling she would be tricky and set up a plan of attack that would give her an advantage since they did not know of her flame type.

However, he did not expect for her flames to lash out unexpectedly due to her feelings going haywire.

Reborn's first meeting and experience with snow flames had his body being hit with cold, hard, ice.

The chains attached to Mukuro's neck were broken off before the Vindice could drag him along with his comrades.

One of the members threw a chain at her and Tomoe grit her teeth, dodging the attack as she held the unconscious Mukuro in her arms.

"Who the hell are you guys? Do you think I'm just going to let you take Mukuro?" She questioned, glaring at the people who surrounded her. "What is this? Some kind of cult or freak show? What's with those outfits like they are so not it."


Everyone was shocked, hell even Reborn.

To openingly oppose the Vindice and then insult them to their faces.

What bravery and foolishness.

"K-Kocho-senpai!" Tsuna shouted, shivering due to the coldness that suddenly erupted in the room.

"Wait Tsuna," Reborn coughed out, getting himself composed after taking a hit from the sudden ice launched at him. He cautiously eyed Tomoe. "Her flames..."

"H-Huh? Flames? Kocho-senpai?" Tsuna squinted his eyes, taking a better look to see the light blue colored flame which almost seemed to be sparkling. "E-Ehh?! Is Kocho-senpai also part of the mafia?!"

"No..." Reborn's eyes narrowed as he aimed his gun at her. "I've never seen those types of flames before. Tell me Kocho, are you an enemy?"

"Mukuro..." Tomoe whispered, not answering the question. "He's just like me... I don't want him to get locked up."

"What is she talking about?" Tsuna asked.

"I... I won't let you take him away..." she mumbled and the Vindice prepared to attack.

"Argh, you're doing something that you're regretting, squirt," a voice said and everyone turned to see a man with black and red hair wearing a yukata walk in the room. "Stupid girl. I heard you. To think you would start acting so irrational after you found someone like you. I didn't think you were that short fused. Man, you're lucky I got here on time."

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