Chapter 35

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"I literally bagged the main antagonist for this arc, like go me I guess," Tomoe muttered under her breath as she sunk deeper into the bath water. "How the hell did I accomplish that?"

After recovering from that shocking scene, Tomoe was able to slip out of Byakuran's arms and bed, finding the bathroom so she could clean herself off. I mean, she wasn't comfortable knowing that she was teleported onto a bed that was possibly dirty from her future self having sex with the lead antagonist of this arc.

Now the main questions in her mind were why was she married to Byakuran if she knew the future? Did she have a plan to destroy the Gesso from the inside out? What the heck was she doing and what the hell was going on?

She had so many questions and was overthinking so many things.

Knock knock.

Tomoe jolted as she heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Tomoe-chan?" She shivered. 'Oh geez, his voice is hot.'

"Ye-cough... Y-Yeah?"

"..." There was silence for a brief moment. "Tomoe-chan, your voice is higher than usual... is everything alright?"

'Ahhh shit.' "Of course, why wouldn't it be..." 'What would future me call him?!' "...Bya-chan...?"





"What the fuck?!"

The door was punched in and crumbled to the ground and Tomoe could feel and see the sky flames that were coming from Byakuran before they disappeared. Despite there still being dust in the air from destroying the door, the two could clearly see each other.

And they dumbly blinked at one another, waiting for the reaction of the other.

"Gasp!" Byakuran's eyes went comically wide as a giant grin made it to his face. "Tomoe-chan from the past is here!"

"Yeah I am so do you mind getting out and putting on some clothes?!"

"Eh? But-"

He had a bar of soap thrown at him before he could finish.

Gunshots and shouts were the only things heard as dust filled the air, debriefs falling around them. A six foot male leaned behind a piece of rubble, practically sitting on the floor as he heavily breathed, gasping for air. His hazel eyes were dazed, his vision having inks of black dots coming in and out as blood dripped down his forehead, the wound he received behind hidden by his short brown hair that stopped at the top of his neck.

Groaning, he placed his dual daggers back to his sides and reached for his box weapon which was attached to a chain necklace around his neck, hidden underneath his dirtied and ruined beige shirt. Pressing his ring against it, storm flames began to envelope the two items before a burst of flames was released from the box, coming out in the form of a fennec fox.

"Fen," the male whispered and the fox let out an animalistic sound. "Find Momo-kun."

The fennec fox nodded its head before it ran off, a bounce in it's- her steps as she disappeared into the rubble.

He sighed, coughing before he spat out some blood that trickled down onto the scar that ended on his jawline and began from his ear. Oh, how he hated that scar so much despite Momo's words of saying how cool and manly it looked.

It disgusted him. It reminded him of what he was doing. What he did. What he never wanted to do or get involved with.

'This is all Tomoe-chan's fault.'

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