Chapter 19

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It seemed like the Vongola group was attacking Kokuyou Land because Tomoe could hear the damage and chaos going on out there.

Mukuro and the others had gone out and she knew that there was fighting going on. Mukuro wasn't fighting though, she was informed that he was going to meet Tsuna under the guise that he was a captured student.

'Like hell Tsuna will fall for- Actually nevermind, he would with his gullibility and naivety.'

She sighed, biting into the piece of bread they gave her for lunch. "Man..." she looked out the window. "This sucks." 'Well no matter, Tsuna and the others will be coming out of this as the winners anyways.'

"Let's watch it quietly for now," Reborn said after he and Bianchi helped Yamamoto and Lanchia lay down onto a softer space. "The bird should be trained to call for comrades when it's master is down."

"Birds was done in!" the bird squealed, flying around.

"This sure fits that old man's style," Gokudera remarked with an unimpressed face.

"Ah!" Tsuna looked ahead. "It's going for that building!"

"In other words..."

"That's where Rokudo Mukuro is."

"Finally, it's time."

Tomoe let out a yawn, stretching her body along the couch. "Finally! It's time for the final battle."

Mukuro looked down at her with his usual resting face, but his eyes were twitching. "Kufu. Do you mind?"

"Mhm? What?" She raised a brow. "I'm busy laying on the couch."

"I see that, Tomoe, but I need to sit down there for when the tenth boss of Vongola arrives."

"But the couch is comfy." "I need it though."

The two intensely stared at each other and their battle of back and forth continued for a while until they came to a compromise.

"By the way, I apologize for this Tomoe."

"Huh? Apologize for-"

She didn't get to finish her sentence as Mukuro hit the back of her neck, gently knocking her out. "I can't have you interfering with my plans."

(Somewhere, Kyoya's fingers twitched in alarm)

"Looks like he's not in the bowling alley on the second floor," Tsuna said aloud as he, Reborn, and Bianchi looked around. "Let's go on to the third floor. The third floor should be the cinema..." 'Scary.'

Tsuna and Bianchi walked up to a door, pushing the creaky thing open. They flinched when they saw a blue haired teenager sitting on a couch on the other end of the room, sprawled across the couch with their head on their lap was Tomoe.

"I'm very happy that we could meet again," Mukuro said to Tsuna.

"AAAH! It's you!" Tsuna exclaimed as the criminal smirked. "Is this where you're being held?!" He turned back to Bianchi and Reborn. "Ahh, I met this person in the forest earlier. He's a Kokuyou student and a hostage."

"Please come forward slowly. I would like to take some time to get to know you better. Tenth boss of the Vongola," Mukuro said as he caressed Tomoe's head.

"Eh? How did you know I'm Vongola...? And why is Kocho-senpai here...?"

"You're mistaken Tsuna!" Bianchi shouted in alarm.

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