Chapter 1

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Reliving her infant years was a nightmare. All Tomoe could do was eat, sleep, and cry. She needed help for everything. Everything! Her pride as a 22 year old woman was shattered into pieces.

Thankfully she was no longer an infant. No, she was a toddler. Physically she was four years old, mentally she was twenty-six. In the past years she had shown prodigal behavior for a little kid. She was able to talk at seven months and was able to crawl and walk at ten months.

Her first word was mom. She remembered her mother celebrating at her first word. Apparently both of her brother's first words were dad, so her mother was ecstatic to be Tomoe's first word.

Speaking Japanese was easy for her now, of course there were still some words Tomoe did not know how to pronounce or know the meaning of, but she was getting there! She could proudly say she was trilingual.

"Tomoe," her father called out, his deep voice sounding hoarse. She looked over at him when he called for her, causing her short black hair to sway. He kneeled down, picking her up and holding Tomoe in his arms. "There's someone I want you to meet."

"Who?" she asked, childishly tilting her head to the side, her brown eyes full of curiosity. 'I hope it's not a gremlin child.'

"A good friend of mine," he answered, walking through the traditional halls. "His son is here as well and is your age, I think you two will get along and become great friends."

'Just great.' Tomoe cutely smiled, covering up her internal despair. "I can't wait."

Despite being four years old, Tomoe actually did not have any friends besides her now eight year old brothers and her nineteen year old uncle. The age gaps were wide and they were friends, but she didn't have any friends her age due to the fact she was homeschooled and her family was overprotective of the children since they had money. Money meant the danger of kidnappers.

"Shinjiro." Tomoe blinked at the sound of a new, unfamiliar voice. Standing in front of her and her father was a black haired male wearing a yukata. He had a stern face and grey narrow eyes. She had to admit, he was very handsome.

Shinjiro, her father, put her down and greeted the man with a smile. "Kyosuke!" He pulled the man into a hug, clapping his shoulder. Tomoe swore she saw the man now known as Kyosuke, lips twitching as if he were fighting off a smile.

The black haired man sighed, letting the smile emerge onto his face. "Hn. You haven't changed at all." He then looked at Tomoe who was staring up at him with an analytical expression. "You must be Tomoe."

She blinked before bowing immediately. "Yes. Nice to meet you."

"What a polite kid," he muttered under his breath but the black haired girl heard it. "Nothing like your father."


He bent down to her height. "I'm Hibari Kyosuke. I've known your father since we were your age."

"Really?" Tomoe asked, curious.

"Hn. He was a brat back then and still is now," Kyosuke said and Shinjiro spluttered, protesting against his claims. "You seem to have a good head on your shoulders." He ruffled her hair. "Don't turn up like this idiot."

"Kuh- You're being mean to me, Kyosuke!" Her father sulked. "Tomoe won't think of me as a cool father anymore if you keep dissing me like that!"

"But you aren't cool at all." "Ngh-!"

The man continued to ignore her fathers cries and complaints as he revealed a little black hair boy with grey eyes hiding behind him. Tomoe could only stare at how the small boy looked like a carbon copy of the man. "This is my son, Kyoya. Kyoya, this is Tomoe. I hope you two can get along."

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