Chapter 5

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Tomoe and Kyoya were going to be third years along with Kusakabe. Ryohei was entering his second year while new first years were going to be entering Namimori Middle School.

Since it was a busy transition process, Tomoe decided to spare some of her kindness and work effort to help Kyoya with the documents to make sure everything in this new year would be okay.

Helping around the bustling DC room, with people coming in and out, Tomoe worked beside her best friend in silence, doing her work on the couch as he used his desk.

While going through the new first year student files, Tomoe paused for a moment, raising a brow. "Oh?"

Kyoya hummed. "Hn?"

"Did you know that Ryo-chan has a younger sister coming this year? I knew he had a younger sister, but I thought they were years apart," Tomoe said, reading the document. "Sasagawa Kyoko. She's a cute girl."

Putting it to the side, she continued to work when she felt Kyoya's uninterest radiating off of him. All he wanted to do was get this work done and over with, something Tomoe could respect and understand.

Continuing to work in silence, the time went on, the only noise entering their ears was the sound of papers flipping, the pens moving across the paper, and the footsteps of the DC members moving into and out of the room.

Flipping through the files and organizing them by last name, Tomoe eyes landed on a name and her head felt a painful pulse. 'Ngh-!' Twitching, she squinted her eyes and reread the name. 'Sawada Tsunayoshi....... That name... Why is it so familiar?' Her heart rate increased as a slight panic started to fill her. Looking at his picture, everything seemed to stop. Her thought process came to a complete halt and she took a deep breath in.

A slim teenager with spiky brown hair that defies gravity and brown eyes, an awkward smile on his face.

Sawada Tsunayoshi.

Sawada Tsunayoshi.




"Hey #####." The 22 year old looked up from her laptop, spinning around in her chair to see her 21 year old roommate sitting in front of their shared TV. "Wanna watch KHR with me?"

"KHR?" ##### repeated, looking at the TV screen to see a spiky brown haired boy in nothing but his boxers while a baby in a suit held a gun. "What the heck am I looking at right now?"

"It's an anime!" she replied, beginning to rant.

##### let out a sigh, leaning back into her chair with her arms crossed as her roommate began to explain what KHR was and the different arcs. She threw in a few names like, "Sawada Tsunayoshi" and "Reborn" as well as a couple other names that ##### was not going to remember.

"So it's technically a mafia school battle type anime but they have powers called flames which have different purposes?" ##### summarized from her ranting. She let out a chuckle. "Sounds crazy, I feel bad for Tsuna who just wants to live normally, I bet he never expected to become the tenth boss of Vongola. Mafia, powers, time travel, adults cursed into babies, and other shit? It sounds interesting."

"Right?!" She beamed, inching forward towards #####. "Want to watch it with me?! It's going to be my second run through."

##### shrugged. "I would, but I'm busy with class. Maybe later, promise."

Reincarnation, I Want a Peaceful Life - KHR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now