Chapter 21

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Tomoe was loving being back in Japan. When she returned from her pink eye flight, she was greeted by Kyoya who without hesitation rushed to give her a hug!

Yes, a hug... of death!

His hug of death was not very welcoming as he tried to hit her with his tonfas and bite her to death for leaving without telling him.

She missed three good weeks of school, but she couldn't help it! Italy was very pretty and she wanted to spend a little bit more time there before she left after talking to the Vindice.

She sighed, rubbing the bruise on her arm, wincing at the stinging pain. Man, Kyoya did not hold back at all. 'I really hate having school on Sundays... Well, I only have to go in today for this week so, I'll take my time getting there...'

Suddenly, a blond haired blue eyed boy wearing a suit almost ran into her. "Woah!"

"Ah! I'm sorry! Is thou alright?"

'Thou?' "Yes, I am." Tomoe took a good look at him. 'It's a pretty boy- Oh SHIT!' She eyed the dying will of flames on his head and quickly averted her eyes, trying to ignore it. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I thank thee for worrying. I must go now," he said and ran off quickly.

Watching him run off, Tomoe let out a sigh. "Man, I guess everyone has a gimmick these days." Taking out her flip phone, she looked at the time. "Great, I'm going to be running late."

Did that stop her from walking and make her run? No. She continued at her leisure pace.

Turning the corner, she had accidentally bumped into someone. The force was strong enough to make her fall back off of her feet. With wide eyes, she reached forward to grab the person's hand which they extended out towards Tomoe. She felt a hand snake around her waist, holding her up as the other held her arm. The falling stopped, as the person secured her, holding her in place from hitting the ground.

"That was close..." She heard the man mutter in Italian and Tomoe looked up at him to see his face looking down at her. "VOI! Are you alright?"

She took in his appearance. He had long white hair and her brown eyes clashed with his light grey eyes. He wore a black trenchcoat like uniform which caught her eye. While she was taking in his appearance, he was taking in hers.

Shoulder length black hair, big brown eyes, a piercing on her ear. The birthmark on the side of her neck being a notable feature. He could easily say that this girl was a Japanese beauty.

"Ah... Yes I'm alright. Thank you sir," Tomoe replied in her accented Italian as he helped her straighten up. "I'm sorry for running into you."

"No, it's my fault. I wasn't paying attention," he responded, before realizing that he had been speaking in his home language and that the girl in front of him responded to him in Italian instead of Japanese. "You speak Italian?"

"A little," Tomoe replied as they both switched to Japanese. She smiled slightly and bowed. "Once again I'm sorry for running into you."

"It's fine," he grumbled and the two awkwardly looked at each other in silence.

But, they both had the same thought. 'What the heck should I do now?'

'Should I ask her if she saw an Italian blond haired brat running around?'

'Should I just bid him goodbye and walk away? Geh, social interaction. I'm an introvert y'know.'

"Voi. Have you seen a blond haired Italian running around?" He asked, using his hand to gesture his height. "He's about this tall and is wearing a suit, he's around your age."

Reincarnation, I Want a Peaceful Life - KHR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now