Chapter 13

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Tomoe was dressed up nicely today due to an important guest coming over. Apparently, the man was a business partner that made a deal with the Kocho family two years ago. Today, Tomoe was going to formally meet him as the next in line and to keep good relations.

"He's apparently from Italy," Milo explained, fixing Jun's tie.

"Eeeh really?" Jun replied, humming. "Do you think he speaks Japanese?"

"He must speak it if he was the one to reach out to us two years ago," Tomoe deduced. "...Do you think he's hot?"

"Tomoe!" Jun gasped. He slid away from Milo when his tie was fixed and grabbed her hands, eyes sparkling. "Italian men are so in season. He better be hot."

Tomoe's eyes also sparkled. "To hot men!"

Milo groaned, rubbing his head with his hand at the two, wondering how he was related to them. "You two... Get your mind out of the gutter and finish getting ready. He should be here in five minutes."

"Hey, what's this guy's name again?" Jun asked his other half as he tied his long blond hair into a low man bun.

"His name is Dino," Milo said, adjusting his own tie. "Dino Cavallone." Jun repeated the name, having a little trouble pronouncing his last name. "Apparently he's only a few years older than us."

Meanwhile, Tomoe was having a mental breakdown.

'NOOOOOO! Not the hot clumsy mafia boss!' Inside her mind, was a mini her who was groveling on her knees, tears streaming down her eyes. 'To think that a mafia family was already involved with my own family! Dammit! But... At least the Cavallone aren't as troublesome as Vongola. I can avoid this red flag if all we do is business and business alone.'

A determined look appeared on her face and Jun and Milo swore they saw flames behind her, burning passionately. "Woah, how did she do that?" Jun asked Milo.

The short haired blond shrugged his shoulders. "The power of being the main character."


"Tomoe, Jun, Milo!" Shinjiro shouted, opening the door to Jun's bedroom they were hanging out in. In his arms was Arashi who was cutely dressed up. "Let's start heading over to the dining room, our guests will be here in a bit."

The three siblings looked at each other and let out a sigh. "Really oyaji?" Jun rolled his eyes. "You dressed my cute little brother in that?"

"What?" Shinjiro complained. "He looks adorable!"

"He looks like a girl," Milo replied and Tomoe shook her head.

"It doesn't matter if he looks like a girl, it's the fact that he looks like a unicorn threw up on him."

Shinjiro pouted. "He looks adorable!"

Tomoe let out another sigh and turned towards her father with a cold look. "Change him before mama gets mad."

The doctor flinched. "...Yes ma'am."

Asuna was truly showing her business side to her children and honestly, it was very impressive yet scary to see their mother act this way.

Watching as she talked to Dino and flattered him while keeping up her elegant mature attitude was amazing to say the least, especially when Dino's men were also in the room acting as bodyguards.

'So this is a businesswoman, huh,' Tomoe thought to herself in amazement. "So I'm gonna be able to do that one day too when I take over the family business."

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