Chapter 11

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It is the season of the Athletic Fest.

In Namimori Junior High (or Middle School), the Athletic Fest is a very big event. Even during the time of preparation, the mood of the school changes drastically.

The school is divided into A, B, and C, and they make their own teams, but the competition between the teams gets really heated. Especially at the climax, the boys compete in the Pole Knocking event where the leader of each team climbs to the top of a pole. There is a rule where the winner is decided when the leader of the opposition team is knocked down.

And currently...

...Tomoe could feel and hear Ryohei's burning spirit as he was yelling, "Ultimate will to win!!!"

"Man... Sasagawa-kun sure is loud," Juno commented from beside Tomoe as they sat in a room full of students from class B. "We can hear his passionate shouting from here."

She solemnly nodded. "Mhm, Ryo-chan is definitely extreme."

"Haha. I wonder how he and Kyoko-chan are related, the two are so different."

"Don't underestimate genetics, Ju-chan, just look at you and Hika-chan."

His lips curled up into a smile. "Touché."

"Well, at least Kyo-chan isn't here," she said, stretching her arms above her head. "If he was then everyone from our team would have been sent to the hospital."

Juno let out a shaky laugh. "What a monster..."

Gokudera and Ryohei punched each other, fighting.

Tomoe who saw this sighed. As a class representative, she was somehow forced to be a peacemaker in the fest if things got out of hand or fights started to break out.

'Guess I have to stop them...' "Hey! You two-"

"Hyohohohoho! Fighting in the team~? Hyohohoho! Pole knocking is all about teamwork~ Looks like there's nothing to fear about the A team~!" Takada, a third year and the leader of C team said, mocking them.


"It's none of your business!" Ryohei shouted, angry.

"Who the hell are you?" Gokudera questioned, pissed off.

"BACK OFF!" they yelled in unison, the storm kicking his face while the sun punched him.

"BUH! Bheee~!" He fell to the ground, defeated and passed out.

"Hey over there!" "AH!"

"This person is the leader of the C team, Takada-senpai!"

"What did you do to our leader! Hey!"

"Hmm? Anyone who has a problem, bring it! Sasagawa of team A will take it!" Ryohei declared and Gokudera backed him up(?).

"I'll pick any fights from you any time."

'Don't make matters worse!!' Tsuna panicked and Tomoe groaned as the problem was getting bigger.

"OH NO! Oshikiri-senpai, the leader of team B, was attacked by someone in the bathroom!"


"According to the witness, it was done by someone in team A."

"Team A again!"

"This person is the witness. It's true, right?" the boy asked the disguised Reborn.

"Yes. The one who attacked the leader of team B said it was done under the orders of the leader of team A, Sawada Tsuna," Reborn lied.

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