Chapter 8

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When the school day began, Tomoe felt someone watching her. She could feel their gaze, but couldn't exactly pinpoint their hiding spot, and just from that, she knew that it could only be one person, Reborn.

She had somehow caught the hitman's attention.

She sat down at her desk, shaking. 'NOOOOOOOO! FUCK FUCK FUCK! DAMMIT! WHYYYYYYYY?!'

Yes, she was going through an emotional, internal crisis. Not the best plan at the moment, but the only acceptable one.

Tomoe froze (literally) when she felt his flames reaching out to her. 'Nope nope nope nope. Don't react. Don't respond. Don't reach my flames back, keep them hidden. Just stay calm, keep my flames from reacting, and everything will be okay.'


"YeS?!" she squeaked out in surprise, covering her mouth in embarrassment. "Ahem... I mean, yes?" She was blushing.

Juno blinked, suppressing his laughter. "Pfft... I-I just wanted to k-know if you were o-okay... Pufu..."

She covered her face with her hands, hiding. 'I want to crawl in a hole and die.' "...Just hurry up and laugh Ju-chan."

Say no more, Juno burst out laughing, his cheeks flushing as he gripped his stomach. "Pfft- Hahahaha! I-I'm sorry- hahaha! It was just unexpected haha!"

Tomoe smiled, letting out soft laughs of her own.

At least Juno distracted her from Reborn and his flames.

Reborn who was watching the scene clicked his tongue, recalling his flames back. 'She didn't respond to my flames. Looks like it'll be hard to provoke a reaction from her. Kocho Tomoe, huh... I feel lingering flames on her and she looks to have her own, but is repressing them. Just who is she?'

For most of the school day, if Reborn wasn't watching over Tsuna from a distance, he was observing Tomoe, much to her dismay.

Thankfully, he seemed to stop following her once the school day ended since he needed to protect Tsuna.

The ravenhead cursed a storm under her breath. 'That damned man-baby!' She swore she would kill him if she ever got the chance to. 'How dare he try and ruin my mission to have a peaceful life!'

"Kocho-chan, what's wrong?" She snapped out of her murder plan thoughts when Kyoko touched her shoulder. "You look very mad right now."

"A-Ah it's nothing Ko-chan," Tomoe replied, forcing a smile. "Just remembered something annoying... Anyways, shall we get going to TakeSushi? We don't want to leave Ju-chan and Hika-chan waiting."

Kyoko smiled, looping their arms. "Mhm! Let's go Kocho-chan~!"

"Hm, isn't that Yamamoto Takeshi?" Juno asked as he, Kyoko, Hikari, and Tomoe walked into TakeSushi. "Your classmate right?"

"Y-Yep," Hikari mumbled and Kyoko nodded.

"He's the school's baseball star right?" Juno said aloud, looking at the male. "I wonder how the team will do without him."

"Huh? What do you mean Michiyama-senpai?" Kyoko asked and Juno pointed.

"Look, his arm is broken."

"Eh?! It wasn't like that this morning!" Kyoko exclaimed in shock. "Poor Yamamoto-kun... I hope he gets better."

Tomoe's eyes widened. "His arm is broken...?" 'Does that mean he's going to jump off the roof tomorrow?' Her nails dug into her skin. 'One shouldn't give away his life so easily...' "You three get a table, I'll be right back."

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