Chapter 37

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Hibari Kyoya didn't know how to feel when he heard the news from Kusakabe about Tomoe being with the Millefiore.

First, his mind just blanked out as he calmly stood there, processing what he had just heard. Then his second reaction was anger as he went on to practically destroy everything in his path, not caring if his large outburst of cloud flames gave away the base's position to the enemy. His third and final reaction was a mixture of pain, grief, and betrayal.

How could she-? For how long-? How did things end up this way-?

Why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why-

Why didn't she just ask him for help?

Why Byakuran of all people- of all things?

Why was she with that man?






Kyoya slumped down to the ground, head in his hands as his cloud flames burnt out, the smell of smoke, fire, and burnt metal filling his nose. "Where did we go wrong, Tomoe?" he questioned aloud, letting out a weak, tired chuckle. "Where did everything go wrong with us?"

What changed?

Tomoe has been stuck in the main base of Millefiore for twelve long ass days doing nothing. Well, not exactly nothing as she has been mapping out the base and noting the guard shifts and details in order to find her office where her box weapon resided. She knew it was in the east wing part of the base, but wasn't sure what floor.

She couldn't exactly train with her sky flames since she was being kept under high security that would report her every move to Byakuran. Luckily he let her use the training facilities to become stronger, it was such a shame he'd only allow her to be there for two hours per day. Tomoe was really debating whether to demand for him to let her use the training facilities for longer times or else she'd go on a destructive strike (aka a tantrum in his eyes).

Also, the girl had not seen Ao these last two days and whenever she asked anyone, they'd remain silent. Completely silent.

'Gosh,' she scoffed. 'Everyone here is useless.' Groaning, Tomoe slammed her head against the bed pillow, ignoring the prying eyes of the two guards in the room with her. 'And there's no privacy. I need to get to my office.' Her eyes dulled, losing some of their spark as she scratched her neck, her birthmark. 'Should I just kill them...?'

Despite fighting for her life on multiple occasions, Tomoe had yet to kill anyone, just severely injure them. She had her morals and she knew that if she killed someone it would haunt her for the rest of her life.

This was her new life. This was not an anime anymore to her. This was her reality.

She stopped scratching the birthmark, her fingertips twitching as she could feel with scratch marks she made, the blood that slowly began to start seeping out, trickling down her neck and dripping from her nails.

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