Chapter 10

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Seeing Tsuna about to box Ryohei was something Tomoe did not expect to see.

She had walked into the boxing club to give the boy something, but she didn't expect the Vongola squad to be there as well.

"Kocho-chan!" Kyoko happily said, skipping over to the girl. "Hello."

"Oh! Kocho-senpai!" Ryohei shouted. "Are you here to join the boxing club?!"

She smiled, calming her inner turmoil of being in the same room as Reborn. "No, sorry Ryo-chan. I'm just here to give you something." Tomoe showed him the cardboard box in her hands before looking around the room at everyone. "Am I interrupting?"

"Nope, they were just about to fight," Yamamoto answered, smiling as he took the box from her. "Here, I'll carry it, Kocho-senpai."

"Ah, thanks Take-chan." The raven head let him take the box from her and watched as he placed it down in the corner of the room. "I guess I'll go-"

"Ehh?! Kocho-chan you should stay and watch!" Kyoko said, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the others.

"B-But..." Tomoe stuttered. 'Fuck no please don't do this to me Kyoko. I just want to avoid these guys.' Now standing next to Yamamoto and Gokudera while Kyoko on her other side, Tomoe crossed her arms, sighing. "Guess I'll be joining you guys."

"Let's go, Sawada Tsuna!" Ryohei shouted, getting ready to box. "No need to hold back on your strength!"

Tsuna shivered. 'What am I doing?!'

"Fight!" "Tsuna!" "Tenth!"

Tomoe deadpanned when the others began to cheer. '...Do I join them?' Sighing, she grabbed some little white flags and waved them around in her hands in an enthusiastic manner. "Go go Ryo-chan," she cheered with the most monotone voice ever.

'Kocho-senpai doesn't even sound like she wants to be here!' Tsuna inwardly thought to himself while Ryohei was extra serious about winning since Tomoe was cheering him on.

Reborn rang the bell and instantl Ryohei punched Tsuna in the face, shocking them all. "Don't be careless, Sawada!"

'No this is my true skill! I wanna go home...' Tsuna teared up and Tomoe felt pity for him. 'Reborn! Wait if I get shot and go into willing-to-die mode... This will happen... And then this will happen...' He imagined scenarios. 'This is bad!! NO! No, no, you can't shoot!'

Tomoe noticed the brunette's internal dilemma when out of the corner of her eyes she saw Reborn with a gun in his hand. 'SHIT!' Her head whipped back and forth. 'How does anyone not notice this?!'

"Then how about this?" Reborn said as he shot the bullet the moment Tsuna dodged, making it hit Ryohei's forehead. Blood came spurting out and he fell to the floor beside Tsuna.

"WHAT THE?!" Tomoe shrieked out, shocking the others standing next to her.

"EEEEEHHH?! YOu SHOT THE DYING WILL BULLET AT HIM?!" Tsuna was also in overwhelming shock.

"It'll be fair if both of you are shot, right?" Reborn rhetorically asked and Tomoe shivered, dark lines going down her cheek.

"I-I wanna go home..." she whispered to herself, not noticing the concern looks Kyoko and Yamamoto were giving her.

Suddenly, Ryohei stood up with a flame on his head. "WAAHH!" 'I... I'm going to be killed! Instantly killed!'

"What's wrong, Sawada? Can you stand up?" Ryohei asked. "If you can stand up, we'll continue!"

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