Chapter 26

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Tomoe didn't remember how she got home. All she knew was that one minute she was at the gymnasium carrying Chrome in her arms and then the next she was in front of her estate with Ken and Chikusa. Ao let them inside and immediately began to fuss over Chrome and Tomoe when he saw them.

"What the hell happened?" he asked as bandaged up the unconscious Chrome in their infirmary while Tomoe, who was still dazed, sat beside the girl. Ken and Chikusa had already gone to their rooms to sleep.

"Ring battle. Mukuro appeared. Nagi won. Snow battle next," she mumbled monotonously with a dead look.

Ao hummed, the words not yet processing. "I see- WHAT?!"

Let's just say it was a long night for the both of them.

'Kocho-senpai, hello! This is Tsuna, I got your number from Haru. I was wondering if we could meet up at Nami Chuu after school to talk?'

Tomoe gripped her phone with her hand while the other pinched her nose. "Fuck."

She typed her reply, still cursing a storm under her breath as she clicked the send button.

'I'll meet you at the gates then.'

When Tsuna exited school, he rushed to the front gates, leaving behind his friends to meet up with Tomoe.

'I hope she didn't wait too long...' Tsuna dreaded the thought of her getting annoyed at him for taking a while. I mean, he was the one who asked to meet her after school. 'She might kill me...'

However, when he got there, slightly out of breath, he was met with Tomoe who was provoking (talking to) two other students who were most likely first year delinquents if they didn't know who she was. After all, Tomoe was famous in Namimori due to her family, herself, and a certain bloodthirsty skylark.

The boy froze, internally panicking. 'HEEIII! Kocho-senpai is going to get hurt- Wait NO! They're going to die by either her hand or Hibari-san's tonfas!'

Thankfully, Kusakabe came by and knocked the two out before things could escalate.

"Hello Tomoe-san," Kusakabe greeted and bowed. "I'm so sorry, I'll make sure to punish these two."

"Aw, it's fine Tetsu-chan, there was no harm done," Tomoe replied, smiling. "So I'll see you tomorrow at Kyo-chan's place for lunch?"

"Of course. Well then, I have to get going to do my rounds." The vice president of the DC gave her another bow before walking off, dragging the two boys by their collars.

Sighing, Tomoe turned, blinking when she saw Tsuna only a few feet away from her. "Hello Tsu-chan."

Tsuna jolted. "U-Uh, hi Kocho-senpai... Um..."

"Hm? What is it?" she tilted her head and Tsuna took a deep breath, wanting to ask her a question that had been on his mind for a while.

"Kocho-senpai, how are you not dead yet when you provoke people on purpose?"

"To answer your question, Tsu-chan, I have something called plot armor that protects me."

"...Plot armor?"

"Yeah, my plot armor." She pointed to the black haired boy wielding a pair of tonfas. "Kyo-chan."

"HIBARI-SAN?!" Tsuna squeaked out, taking a few steps back from the teenager approaching them.

"Hn. herbivore," Kyoya replied, a smirk growing on his face, itching for a fight. He slowly reached for his tonfas until...

"No, bad Kyo-chan," Tomoe scolded him, hitting the back of his head lightly with a chop of her hand. "You can't fight Tsu-chan today."

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