Chapter 39

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Sweat rolled down Tomoe's face and she gulped, trembling in fear as the man possessed by a very pissed off demon approached her.

"N-Now, now... L-Let's be civil and talk about this... Neh, Kyoya?" She took a step back for only her heel to make contact with the wall behind her. 'Uh-oh...'

Kyoya's eyes gleamed as he approached her, tonfas in hand. "I'll bite you to death."

Adult Hibari swung down and Tomoe accepted her fate.

'I'm so dead.'

Before the Raid...

After Tomoe and Hikari had landed back in Japan, the red haired woman escorted her to their secret base in Japan. Kawahira was already waiting there, making ramen as one ancient alien usually does. Aiko snuck away from the Vongola base, stating that a problem occurred and she'd return as soon as possible. Juno and Momo arrived in the middle of the night from their secret departure from the Cavellone family base. Ao had yet to arrive, apparently the Cervello sisters were bugging him endlessly which gave him no time to slip out and escape.

Let's just say, it was a reunion full of tears and hugs between the almost complete group. But once that was over, everyone caught up and explained what they have been doing the past years, preparing for this moment. Hikari also confirmed to Tomoe that her family was safe, much to her satisfaction.

Jun and Milo were currently enjoying their time in Spain with Gintoki-sensei who was drinking on the beach doing salsa and bachata with pretty ladies while the boys trained endlessly to beat up Byakuran. Jun wanted to beat up Kyoya more than Byakuran though, let's just say he was still pissed 9 years later about the boy not putting a ring on his little sister's finger first. Her mother and father were in America with Arashi in the underground base, doing the best they could to help by managing the company and helping injured ally members recover.

Anyways, back on topic.

Now that she was safe from Byakuran's hands, Tomoe could let out her sky flames freely, as well as train with her box weapon. Aiko had informed her that the base was protected and no outside group would be able to get signals of the Vongola ring or her flames.

Slipping on her snow ring, Tomoe took a deep breath, letting her flames run amok as she imbued her flames into the ring, lighting it up before pressing it against her white box weapon.

"What do you think her box animal will be?" Momo asked quietly as she stared at her sky.

Hikari hummed. "Well it should be obvious, right Kawahira-san?"

The albino nodded. "Indeed. Tomoe's animal is her family's symbol."

Momo blinked. "Wait you mean- A BUTTERFlY?! How the hell is she gonna fight with that?!"

Kawahira shrugged. "If there's a will there's a way."

Her pure snow flames surrounded the box and the box opened, a bright light coming from it, making the room occupants squint. A chill seemed to pass over the room and when they adjusted their sight, the four saw it.

A butterfly with beautiful blue wings.

Silently, Tomoe held up her finger and the butterfly fluttered its wings, landing on her pointer finger.

"So you're my box animal, huh?"

Flap. Flap.

"Hm... Ironic to think I'd get a blue butterfly, but no matter." Gently, she used her other hand to lightly caress her box animal's wings. "I'll name you Isa."

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