Chapter 6

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The school year began and Tomoe was already a nervous wreck internally, but on the outside she seemed cool and collected. Her and Kyoya were put in the same class again this year.

She swore that she did not walk into the main office and see him threaten the principal... Again.

She definitely didn't.

So here she was, sitting at her desk two seats from the front of the room by the window. Tomoe had a feeling that the window seat was going to amuse her as she could get a front row seat to anything happening outside.

Hey, even though she was in an anime and was trying to avoid the danger, she still wanted a good seat to view the chaos.

She looked out of the window, watching as the new first years walked onto the school grounds, one hundred percent being cautious and very afraid of the one and only Hibari Kyoya who was at the front gates, watching them all with his grey eyes, arms crossed and the red disciplinary band being on full display.

She stifled a giggle when she saw a girl shriek due to Kyoya glancing in her direction, causing her to speed walk away. 'They're so afraid of him, how cute. Kyo-chan is just a big softie underneath that scary exterior.'

"A-Ano... Kocho-san."

"Hm?" Tomoe replied, looking over to see a flushed, yet nervous boy standing by her desk. "Do you need something?"

"A-Ah..." He stuttered eyes moving around and Tomoe noticed some other boys giving him a thumbs up. "I-I was wondering if you'd like to...! T-To-"

His sentence was interrupted as the window behind the ravenette was slid open, revealing a glaring skylark perched on the windowsill. Tomoe's jaw dropped. 'Damn how did he get here so fast? Did his Tomoe-Radar go off?' Kyoya growled. "What business do you have with my small animal, herbivore?"

"H-HIBARI-SAN?!?" He shrieked out, stumbling back into his friends as they all shook with fear. "N-Nothing! S-So s-sorry!" They ran off, leaving the classroom and making Tomoe blink.

"Hn." Kyoya said, jumping off the windowsill and into the classroom. "Herbivores." 'Stay away from what's mine or else.'

The other occupants in the room turned around, facing the front of the classroom, not even wanting to look in Tomoe and Kyoya's direction in fear of getting bitten to death.

"What was that for Kyo-chan? You scared the boy half to death." Tomoe resisted the will to smile at Kyoya's cute jealous side. 'He's so protective of me. How adorable, Kyo-chan.'

"Hn. The herbivore tried to get near what's mine."

She sighed as he plopped down on the seat beside her, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed as he kicked his legs up onto the desk. "I'm guessing you'll be in class for the first day before you start skipping to patrol and do paperwork?"


Tomoe reached over, patting his head. "At least you'll attend class once or twice a month. Good job."

The bell then rang and the teacher walked in, pausing slightly when he saw both the Hibari and Kocho heirs in his class. 'Maybe I should quit this job.'

Tomoe was once again the class representative while Kyoya continued to rule the school as the Disciplinary Committee's Demon Prefect.

They basically ruled the school.

"Kocho-senpai!" She heard Ryohei call for her. Tomoe turned around, smiling when she saw her friend.

Reincarnation, I Want a Peaceful Life - KHR FanficWhere stories live. Discover now