Chapter 38

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After the incident, Byakuran kept a closer eye on Tomoe. Maybe it was due to her breakdown that led to her killing two of his pawns, or perhaps it was because she now had her box weapon with her.

Speaking of her box weapon... Tomoe looked over at the box that she placed on the nightstand with calculating eyes. She wondered, will the box react to her snow flames, or did she need to use her sky flames?

'Nevermind that,' she sighed. 'Byakuran left for a meeting and hasn't come back. It must be about the Vongola and the Varia.'

"It's been thirteen days... I guess Mukuro-kun will be making his move soon." Tomoe glanced back at her box. "...I shouldn't be lying here doing nothing." Reaching over, she felt the cool metal of the box pressed against her palm, her flames humming. "I better start trying to open this bad baby up."

Meanwhile with the Vongola...

The giant monitor made a sound, a presence being picked up on the screen, shocking everyone.

"What is it, Giannini?" Lal Mirch questioned, looking at her miniature screen.

"It was only for a moment, but we picked up the presence of an unknown, but very powerful ring... in the outskirts of Kokuyou land," the plump male answered.

"Kokuyou land?!" Tsuna exclaimed, his fellow teens shocked as well.

"But this area is flooded with heavy electromagnetic interference," Giannini added. "There's a high chance it could be a false alarm."

"Analyze the data on the outskirts of Kokuyou land again," Reborn ordered.

"Roger that!"

"It could be a new enemy," Aiko hypothesized.

"No..." Tsuna disagreed. "I'm sure it's a friend... It could be Chrome... Holding the Vongola ring..."

"Ah..." Chrome's eye watered as she bit her lip, gulping at the scene in front of her.

'Just as I thought. This is what you believe in as well, isn't it?'

Chrome nodded, doing her best to compose herself.

"This is a fine and powerful spell. Now, it seems I can join in the fun, too..." Mukuro smirked, trident in hand as Ken and Chikusua stood by his sides. "This sure brings back memories."

Chrome was truly forming out to be a fine mist guardian.

"Damn it!" Glo Xinia cursed out, being pushed back by Chrome and her illusions. To think that she was now playing with him just like he was doing to her before. "Disappear!"

"Sorry. They're just illusions," Chrome said as she continued her barrage of attacks.

Mukuo grinned mockingly as he charged forward. "Kufufufu. Illusions... or real illusions. Within the illusions hide real illusions... from the real illusions, the illusions are created. Within the truth hides the lie... Within the lie hides the truth. This is the mist."

'When did he!!! With this, I won't be able to defend against a direct hit in time!'

"Your misfortune was to be incorporated as part of my plan," Mukuro calmly explained. "Just as I thought. By using Chrome, I could defeat you with minimal trouble. You are not likely to be an obstacle to the greater task waiting for me."

'What! What's he saying?! Impossible? Does he mean everything was planned from the start?!' Glo Xinia's eye twitched. 'Since the battle half a year ago...!' "You bastard!"

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