Chapter 33

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"You pass. I'll waive killing you." Gokudera and Tsuna looked up at the woman in shock. She took off her goggles, revealing her face. "My name is Lal Mirch."

The three sat around the fire, the two boys embarrassed to meet Lal Mirch's eyes.

"All I know about you guys is from the photos I've seen," she suddenly said, breaking the silence. "But thanks to the existence of the 10-Year Bazooka... I recognized you. We have time now, so I'll tell you what I know."

"R...Really?!" Tsuna blurted out, curious.

"I belong to the Vongola's organization of the CEDEF."

"By CEDEF... D-Dad's...?"

"Then you... you're on our side?!" Gokudera realized.

"Yes," she explained. "The whole Vongola is currently in a state of emergency. I agreed to investigate the situation and check out the condition of the Tenth's family."

"A state of emergency...?" the brunette repeated.

Lal Mirch nodded. "That's right. The Vongola headquarters... fell two days ago and was destroyed," she revealed, causing Gokudera and Tsuna's eyes to widen. "Currently, there are no survivors from headquarters, and the Ninth's unaccounted for. The CEDEF team hurried to the rescue, but we lost contact..."


"Don't be fooled Tenth!" Gokudera yelled. "I knew it! She's talking bullshit! How can the great Vongola be destroyed?!"

"Maybe not ten years ago... but in this time, there are families who can do it." Her eyes burned with anger. "The Millefiore family. The boss' name is Byakuran."

Tsuna perked up. "Byakuran! That's the name the future Gokudera mentioned!" Then, reality came crashing in. "M-Maybe... what she's telling us... is... true...? This time's Reborn and everyone's... A-And also... my being in a coffin... it all makes sense... It can't be..."

"The keys to dominating this era's war are the rings..." Lal Mirch replied. "By stealing the rings and their boxes, those guys got a boost in power. That's why they raided the Vongola..."

Gokudera looked at his ring. "That's why they're targeting the Vongola rings?!"

"...The importance of the rings is beyond that. They've existed since the beginning, at the first dawning of the mafia in the Dark Ages. It's thought that they are the symbol of the contract between our predecessors and the powers of darkness joining forces," Lal Mirch told them. "That's why the mafia rings must be protected. They contain a power beyond human understanding. You guys must have also witnessed the Vongola rings burning! And that's not the only power of the rings. See that balloon flying over there."

Lal Mirch's eyes suddenly widened and she stood up, grabbing her clock and putting out the fire.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Enemies!" she replied. "Now's not the time to get all emotional! These guys are strong! If they find us, it'll probably be over!" They hid behind some bushes and trees when they heard a low rumbling sound. "That one's a scout. In that case, the stealth ring will get us past."

Peaking their heads out, the two kids saw a familiar robot. "Gola Mosca!"

"That's the second generation gola-shell... Strau Mosca," the ravenhead whispered. "The military has been selling secrets of its black projects to other families aside from the Vongola."

"Peeep!" Strau Mosca beeped out, its head turning towards their direction.

"He's turning this way!"

"Strau won't find us. Its internal sensor is looking for the power of the rings. But the Mammon chains have sealed their power."

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