Chapter 30

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Tomoe winced as she felt a sharp pain in her ribcage. She cursed and Ao immediately stopped his attack.

"That's enough for today," the male said, stopping his assault. "You have the last battle tonight and we don't want you to overexert yourself before you actually fight. That rib might cause some problems."

"Don't worry, it's just a fracture," the girl replied, panting for air.

"A fracture that can break at any moment," Ao retorted, huffing. "Just relax for now until you get summoned." He looked around. "Where's Chrome and the other brats?"

"They went to Kokuyou Land," Tomoe answered as she used the towel to wipe the sweat off her face and neck. "You'll cover for us tonight if anyone asks?"

Ao crossed his arms. "Of course. Now I'm going to go get some ramen, want to come with me or relax?"

She shrugged. "Let me just take a quick shower."

"Uncle Ao, do you sense that?"

"You mean those overwhelming mist flames? I'm surprised you didn't bring it up sooner."

"Well, I noticed them, but I just thought we had collectively agreed that we were going to ignore them."

The two stood in front of a ramen shop that was heavily covered in mist flames, stronger than Mammon's and Mukuro's flames which was saying something.

"This shop was never here before," Ao realized, removing his hands from his connected kimono sleeves. "A mist user this powerful, I'm surprised the Varia or Arcobaleno hasn't come here yet."

[Go... in... inside... M... Yo... ur... Fu... re... st...]

Tomoe could feel that her sky flames which she immobilized and hid with her snow flames rumble. Her hyper intuition seemed to speak to her. Unlike Tsuna, her HI was weak and never clear. It was scratchy and broken, barely usable with how it only spoke at the randomest moments, if it even decided to work at all. Tomoe usually ignored it, but hearing it speak and feeling her sky flames trying to emerge, she decided to listen for once.

"Let's go inside, Uncle Ao," Tomoe suggested and began to walk in before he could refuse.

"Oi squirt, wait!" Ao rushed after her, watching as Tomoe slid the door open and walked in.

"Pardon the intrusion," she casually said, looking around.

"Oh, I didn't expect guests so soon," a white haired male with glasses wearing a plain green kimono said. He was sitting at a table, eating miso ramen. He smiled at them. "Hello there, welcome to Rakurakurken."

Ao and Tomoe froze, feeling the mist flames radiating off of him. 'A normal looking person who has flames this strong?!'

[Chec... ace... M... ist... our... fu...]

Tomoe could kind of piece together what her HI was saying due to the puzzle pieces connecting in her head.

"YOU!" she shrieked, pointing a finger at him.

He tilted his head, not knowing what would come next. "Me?"

Ao panicked, knowing what would come next. "Tomoe don't-!"

It was too late, she had already tackled Kawahira, also known as Checkerface, to the ground along with his miso ramen.

"DIE!" "GAH!" "TOMOE!"

"Ahem, now that we got that past us..." Kawahira cleared his throat, wearing a new unstained green kimono. He was sitting across from Ao who was beside Tomoe, who was wearing a matching green kimono the white haired male had lent her (it was one of his spares) since her clothes were also stained from the fallen ramen. "You know me as Checkerface, but my name is Kawahira."

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