Chapter 3

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One month into the school year, Shinjiro and Asuna (her father and mother) suddenly announced that they were going to get another addition to the family. Her mother was pregnant with another boy. Jun and Milo were ecstatic to get another brother while Tomoe was shocked. She didn't expect that she was going to be a big sister, she had no idea how to be a big sister, especially after... that.

To prepare for being a big sister, she dragged Kyoya along to the library and the two read books about parenting.


Did she think that he was going to help her watch over her little brother as well? No. Kids were annoying, he wouldn't want them around him.

Kyoya stared at her and then the book in her hand.

He took out his tonfa.

And he hit her straight in the head.




He stayed the next hour reading the book with her.

To the students of Namimori Middle School, Kocho Tomoe was someone unapproachable despite being friendly towards them.

She had the looks, the smarts, and not only that, she was physically strong, being able to fight on par with Hibari Kyoya. The rumors about her and the nicknames she was given made it even harder for people to talk to her. She could easily win a fight with force and words. Despite never physically fighting anyone at school (besides Hibari), she can easily win a fight with her words by bringing up her powerful family or using her poisonous tongue to smack sense into her opponents.

Although she had an understanding and kind personality, she was hard to approach due to her background. Being part of the famous, prestigious, and rich Kocho family made many students afraid of Tomoe as they did not want to offend her and make her family come after them. Not only that, she was childhood friends with Hibari. That was a death wish in it's own right to anyone who wanted to befriend her as they would have to interact with the boy who stuck close by her side.

Tomoe was a threatening person despite not acting like one, which was why she didn't have any friends. Of course, she interacted with her classmates and fellow students, but they would do their best to avoid her when they had the chance. They would only talk to her if they needed something from her as the Class Rep or if someone was feeling brave enough to invite her in a conversation. She appreciated the small gestures of those people.

She wasn't close to her classmates and they weren't close to her. Despite being friendly, knowing their names, and talking to them, there was a line that separated them. Tomoe had no friends, only acquaintances as her schoolmates were too afraid to pass that line. It made her feel sad in a way as she was lonely and did want to make friends just like in her past life. But, she couldn't.

Which was why, the girl was now spending time on the roof, eating her bento with Kyoya using her lap as a pillow. "Kyo-chan, am I really scary? Do I have a frightening face?"

Kyoya opened his eyes, looking at her face before closing them again. "Hn."

She groaned. "I knew that I didn't have a scary face... So why does everyone avoid me? You don't understand Kyo-chan, they don't even make eye contact with me. It's like they think I'm Medusa or that I'll kill them all if they meet my eyes."


"It's exactly like that! No matter how much I do they will only talk to me the bare minimum. It's like I'm a popular cold beauty or something." Sighing softly, she closed her empty bento, putting it to the side.

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