Chapter 29

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Instead of going to Namimori Hospital where her father works, Kyoya took Tomoe to an urgent care that was open 24/7.

When the doctor there examined and patched her up, she was able to find out the full extent of her injuries. She had a cut on her arm from the bullet that was shot by BOT and just nicked her, bruises around her back from colliding with the wall after the explosion, burn wounds patched around her stomach, small cuts caused from BOT's parts during the explosion, and a fractured rib.

Oh, she also got hypothermia.

Thankfully, she would heal up quickly and nicely (thanks to anime knowledge), meaning no scars and that the burns would go away over time. So, she and Kyoya were allowed to leave the urgent care and go to their homes, but not wanting her family to see or notice her injuries, Tomoe stayed over at Kyoya's place.

"Kyo-chan~" Tomoe whined, clinging onto the male. "I'm cooooold."

He grunted, shifting in his sleeping position to make them both more comfortable. "Go back to sleep, small animal," Kyoya replied, doing just that and Tomoe nuzzled into him more.

"Mmm. 'k."

A peaceful silence consumed the room and the only sounds heard were the two breathing softly.

However, peace never lasts in Namimori. Especially if your name is Kocho Tomoe.

"Kyoya~!" a voice shouted, breaking the peaceful silence as the bedroom door slammed open, making their eyes snap open from their sleep. "Are you ready for- Oh."

Dino paused mid sentence, looking at the scene in front of him.

Kyoya, his student, was wearing pajamas and had messy hair (he ignored his glare). Tomoe, his bestie, was wearing a pair of Kyoya's pajamas (he guessed they were his because they were quite big on her) and was clinging onto Kyoya, practically laying half of her body on him. Tomoe and Kyoya in bed, together.

And him being Dino, he had totally misunderstood. "I... I'M SORRY FOR INTERRUPTING! I'll come back later!" Dino yelled with a blush, running out of the room before he popped his head back in for a moment, with a smirking yet looking nervous expression. "Also don't forget to use pro-"

Tomoe had already thrown a pillow in his face before he could finish. "You're misunderstanding here, you dirty minded idiot!"

Kyoya jumped out of the futon, tonfas in hand with a very pissed off expression. "For interrupting our sleep and breaking into my house, I'll bite you to death!"

Let's just say it was a crazy morning for Tomoe (and for the community especially when explosions were heard from the Hibari household).

After that noisy morning full of destruction and fighting, Tomoe went off to pick up Chrome who was discharged from the hospital. Apparently the girl ran into Tsuna on the way out, but ran away before they could have a conversation since she wanted to get to the Kocho estate quickly. Tomoe could only let out a sigh and take her back home, leaving Ao to watch over the girl along with Ken and Chikusa.

The ravenhead girl had to prepare herself for tonight's battle. Afterall, it was the battle of the Clouds, Kyoya's fight, and the fight where everything was going to go down.

Midnight at Nami Chuu...

"Listen up, people!" Gokudera yelled, a cigarette in his hand as his face was covered in bandaids. "No matter what happens, we have to win!"

"Oi, what are you talking about? The one fighting is Hibari," Yamamoto replied, all bandaged and still recovering from his fight with Squalo.

"What's the point of getting so worked up?" Ryohei commented, looking the most intact of the three despite having his arm in a cast.

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