See you soon Kenya

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Danis POV
Well the week is over and I have learned so much over the past week. It's going to be so hard to say goodbye. I was just about finished packing when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in" I say zipping my suitcase up not looking to see who it was. "The weeks over kid you can have this back now." Marissa says handing me my phone. "Thanks" I say taking it from her and putting it in my pocket. "What's wrong kid? The Dani I know would've taken that from my hands and opened Twitter like that" she says snapping her fingers. "Well that was me before I came to Kenya. This is the me that has learned what it's like not to have electronics and can live without them" I say she raises an eyebrow and looks at me with a 'really' look. "Oh who am I kidding?" I say taking my phone out of my pocket and kissing it. I missed you so much we have a lot of catching up to do. "You owe me 20 bucks that was less than 10 minutes" Demi says coming in. "You guys made a bet on how long it would take for me to use my phone" I say "yea I said less than 10 minutes and she said less than 15" Demi says while Marissa hands her a 20. "So when are we leaving?" I ask "we are actually about ready to leave. Are you all packed?" Marissa asks I nod "yup" I say "Okay then I'll see you guys out there." She says heading out. Tears start to form in my eyes. "Hey come here" she says opening her arms. I ran into her arms and sobbed into her chest while she stroked my hair and ran her fingers up and down my back soothingly. "I wish we didn't have to leave" I sob "I know baby I know me neither" she says "Shh calm down babygirl it's going to be okay." She says I pull back from the hug and wipe my eyes. "Hey look at me" she says I look up at her and stare into her beautiful brown eyes. "I know it's not easy saying goodbye so just think of this as a see you later. We'll be back I promise" she says  I nod she kisses my head and smiles. I smiled back and grab my suitcase. "Well let's head home." I say As she throws her arm over my shoulder. She kisses my head again and whispers "Stay Strong babygirl" I nod as we head out to the front where everyone was waiting. I hand Demi my suitcase. "I'll be in the car in a sec" she nods and heads to the car. I hug all the tribe moms and all the kids I got close to. Then I see Adeben. I run into his arms. "I'm going to miss you Dani" he says "I'm going to miss you too Adeben." I say "I made you something" he says reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a Dream catcher. "Wow thank you. I love it." I say taking it from him. I hug him again and say "I'll never forget you" tears fill my eyes when we pull back he wipes them away. "Don't cry darling. We'll see eachother again but until then this is a see you soon." He says I nod "See you soon Adeben" I say smiling "See you soon Dani" he says smiling back at me. I go to the car and get into the backseat next to Demi. She side hugs me. "I'm so proud of you babygirl." She says and I smile. As we started to drive away all the kids started running waving and yelling goodbye. I smiled and waved back to them. Once they stopped and I caught one last sight of Adeben he smiled and I smiled back. I closed my eyes and whispered "See you soon Kenya"
A/N:Hey guys so this was kinda a filler I know but the next is gonna be better I promise. Anyways I'd you have any ideas for the story please leave them in the comments. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS love you guys.

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