Safari and birthday suprise

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Danis POV

We are having an amazing time in Africa! Today we go on a safari and im so excited. "Morning Babygirl" Demi says walking into the room I share with Maddie. "Morning" I say "you excited for today?" She says "Hell ya!" I say she glares at me. "Demi you cuss like a salior don't look at me like that" I say "I do not" she says looking at the time "shit we're going to be late" she says "Do so" I say she rolls her eyes "whatever let's just go get breakfeast" she says as we go into the mess hall to get breakfeast. I sat next to Demi and Maddie. "I can't wait to go on the safari!" I say "yea I want to see a lion" Maddie says "I want to see elephants" I say  Once we finish our breakfest we head toward the jeeps. "Is this really happening?" I ask Demi she smiles and ruffles my hair "it sure is babygirl. Now climb on thd jeep this is gonna be so much fun" she says I nod. I sit inbetween Marrisa and Demi in front of us was Natalie Maddie and Dallas and behind us was Mom and Dad. "Wow look Dan its a lion" Demi says pointing to my left. I look and see that its coming this way. "Yea and its coming this way" I say "Don't worry we won't let no lions hurt you Dani" Adeben one of the massi warriors says smiling. He's like an older brother to me and I've gotten pretty close to him. He once told me that his name was given to him because he was the 12th son in his family.  I couldn't imagine having that big of a family. I look up at him and smile "Thank you Adeben" I say as we continue the Safari we see Elephants, Zebras and antalop. It was so cool. When we got back home we were instructed to go to the mess hall. Where the village set up this whole suprise party for Demi. As we walked in the people of the village started sing what im guessing is Happy Birthday in thier languge to Demi. "Thank you!" Demi says walking in. There was balloons everywhere and Dallas stood in the couner filming Demis reaction. "Wow guys thank you so much. I could not have asked for a better birthday" Demi says with the biggest smile on her face. We all had a great time at the party. We had some cake and Demi even got a goat! She named him billy and then gave him to a family who needed a goat. Torwards the end of the day I saw Demi out on the porch looking at the sunset.I went over to her and saw that she was crying. "Demi why are you crying?" I ask her "because im really happy Dan and I haven't been this happy in a while. This trip has made me very grateful for the things I have and the people in my life. I just don't want it to end." She says "I know how you feel I don't want to leave either but we have to it was a great trip." I say smiling "yea it was." She says hugging me. "But I am gonna miss Adeben" I say "yea but you'll see him again I promise." She says I nod. She leans up against the porch railing. I got my camera and took a picture of her. "Whyd you take a picture?" She says "because I want to remeber this moment. Me and you in Africa with our family." I say we spent the rest of the day watching the sunset together. I can't believe our trip is almost over. We only have one more day here and then it's over. I know one thing's for sure though. Im never gonna forget this trip or the people I've met or the experiences I've expericened or the stories that I've been told. Soon this trip will too be story but until then I am living in the moment with my sister Demi Lovato watching the sunset.
A/N:hey guys hope you liked this chapter. Well if you guys have any ideas for the story please leave them in the comments. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS love you guys

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