Meeting the family

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Danis POV

i woke up next to Demi. i smile and relize that we are going to texas today. i cant wait. "Demi,Dem Dem,Dems,Demz,Demetria Devonne Lovato if you dont wake up im leaving without you." i say she opens her eyes "ok ok im up." she says i get dressed and get my suitcase that i packed a couple of days ago. "are you ready to go." Demi asks "yea." i say "alright then cmon." she says we go out to her car and she drives to the airport. "shit." she says. There paps at the airport. "put your hood on and put these on as well."  she says handing me her sunglasses. i nod and put them on. "keep your head down and whatever you do dont let go of my hand. Do you understand." she says "yea i got it." i say "ok ill go and open the door for you." she says getting out she comes to my side. She opens the door and i held her hand tightly. "hold any tighter and ill lose cicurlation in my hand." she whispers "sorry." i say looseing my grip. "whos the girl?" "are you dating her." The paps kept yelling things like this. "just ignore them." demi says luckly the security held them out. We got on the plane and i was window seat. i sat next to demi. "Demi what if patrick finds out im alive, and tries to get me back." i say "i wont let him have you. i will fight for you and do whatever it takes to keep you safe. i love you and im not gonna let anyone or anything hurt you." She says "promise." i say holding out my pinkie. "i promise," she say wrapping her pinkie around mine "after all it is me and you against the world." "yea me and you against the world." i say as our plane takes off. i lay my head on Demisshoulder and fall asleep.
i was back in demis house. it was late when i heard her car. i ran downstairs and opened the door. "hey demi." i say "hey babygirl cmere." she says i hug her but she didnt have that vanilla scent. "hey you wanna play a game." she says "yea." i say "ok go up to my room." she says "ok." i say i ran to her room and waited on her bed. "lie down baby and close your eyes." she says

lets just say it wasnt the type of game i was expecting. i know she was drunk but i still cant get over it. i hope she never dose that to me again. i open my eyes and see demi looking down at me concerned. "Are you ok babygirl." she asks "yea just a nightmare nothing to worry about." i say "what was it about." she says "me and you and...that night." i say whincing at the memory. "im sorry for that. can we just forget that night." she says "do you know how hard ive tried. No matter what i cant forget it. i can look past but i wont forget it." i say she nods understanding. We land in texas and rented a car. There were knots in my stomech the whole way there. Demi parked in the Driveway. "Nervous." she says looking at me. i nod. "Dont be theyll love you i know it." she says "ok." i say we get out of the car and ring the doorbell. i held her hand tightly. "remeber its you and me against the world." Demi whispers. i nod. Our mom opens the door. She had blondeish hair and brown eyes like mine. She hugged Demi then turned to me. "Demi whos this." she asks "im Danilla Lovato." i say "no shes dead. now who are you really." she says "mom this really is her shes not dead patrick lied. she ran away from him. i met her in the park. ive been keeping her a secret because i was afraid patrick was gonna try to get her back but now im not scared of him anymore." Demi explains "oh my so youre really." mom says "yea." i say in tears. "oh my baby." she say hugging me tightly i hug her back.  "Dallas,Maddie get down here." mom says i look at demi confused. "there your sisters." she says i nod. A girl around my age comes down the stairs. "what up momma." she says "meet your sister Danilla,Danilla meet madison." mom says "its Dani and its nice to meet you madison."  i say sticking out my hand. "you can call me maddie and im a hugger so." she says hugging me. "hey mom whats oh my." A girl probly around Demis age but with a lighter shade of brown hair says. Wait i think she reconizes me. "Danilla." she says i nod. she runs down the stairs and hugs me. i hug her back. "who is she." i mouthed to demi. "your older sister dallas." she mouthes back. "oh." i mouth. i hug tighter. "its so great to finally meet you all." i say "you still have to meet one more person." demi says "wheres dad." she says i tense up at the word dad. "ill go get him." mom says "d-dad." i say "well technically stepdad" Demi says. A man with dark hair appears. He had kind eyes and a nice smile."hello you must be danilla." he says "yea but you can call me Dani." i say "well its nice to meet you Dani im Eddie." he says "nice to meet you too." i say "cmon dan ill show you our room." Demi says i nod and follow her upstairs. i look around and see a tv a king sized bed,a white dresser and a bathroom. "cool room." i say "thanks." she says we get settled then go back downstairs. "ok Dinners ready." mom says we go to the dinning room and get to know eachother better. i glance over at demi every now and then. I cant belive im actually having a dinner with my family i never thought this would happen. i love them and they love me. This is just like i imagined it. For the first time in my life im geniully happy. I hope this countinues.
A/N: well there ya go. im off of school now but i probly wont update during the first week of june cuz ill b in florida with my fam. but after that it will b update after update. u guys r gonna get sick of it. lol. if u guys have any ideas for the story plz leave them in the comments. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS. love you guys.

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