Let Me Explain

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Danis POV

We were at the house Demi parked the car. i didnt get off so she came over to my side and pulled me out of the car. I saw Marrisa on the couch looking all pissed too. I sat on the couch and marrisa stood up.

"Well." Demi says "Let me explain." i say "EXPLAIN WHAT DANILLA YOU BEAT UP AN INNOCINT GIRL FOR NO FUCKING REASON. THAT ISNT RIGHT DANILLA IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEN GO AND TALK TO ONE OF THE COUNSOLERS." she yells "Demi let me fucking explain." i say "watch that mouth danilla when did you become so rebelous." She says She was in the middle of this long rant when she got a phone call.

"hey mads whats up." she says in a calmer tone of course she does it for maddie she loves her more. "yea ok i will." she says she sits on the couch pulling up a video i saw my face and i got up to go to my room but marrisa pulled me into her lap. I saw taylor beating me up and i saw Demi had tears in her eyes. Once the video was over she saw the second fight we had during class.Once the video ended she looked over at me. "im so sorry babygirl." she says she scooted closer to me and tried to pull me in her lap. i broke free from her grip and stood up. "YOU DIDNT EVEN LET ME EXPLAIN DEMETRIA YOU BELIVED IN THE STORY OF THE BULLY WHO BEATS THE CRAP OUTTA ME EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY OVER ME YOUR SISTER YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO TRUST ME. YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BE THERE FOR ME TO COMFORT ME BUT NO INSTEAD YOU ARE TOO BUSY FOR ME TO BUSY LIVING YOUR FUCKING DREAM TO CARE ABOUT ME. YOU BARLY HAVE ANYTIME FOR ME AT ALL IM STARTING TO THINK YOU WOULD BE BETTER OFF WITHOUT ME." i yell "Dani no i need you babygirl im sorry i hadnt had time-"  i cut her off "oh save it Demetria." i say i strom upstairs and fall on my bed. I start her the Demons talk
your so stupid Danilla
your own sister dosent have time for you
she dosent care why would she you're just a dissapointment
"NO NO SHUT UP SHUT UP!" i started screaming
You know what we want
just one little cut danilla thats all it takes
No one would care they dont give a shit about you

Maybe they were right. I heard demi sobs from the other side of the door shes not even bothering to get in why shouldnt i just do it. I went into the bathroom and i looked through the cabnits. i found it the razor i hid from Demi.
it was one of Demis worse nights she came home bottle in her hand.
"demi get away." i said to her "cmon dan dont be scared i just wanna play a game."she said i hit the wall she smirked and pressed her body against mine. "Demi if you loved me you wouldnt do this." i say hoping she would stop she laughed "thats just it i dont love you and i never did."
End of Flashback

"Dani open the door." i heard marrisa say i looked down at my wrist covered in blood how'd i do that. i wash my blood off and grabbed some band-aids. i put them over the cuts and opened the door. i saw Demi and she imediantly rushered over to me. i just ran to my room and locked myself inside. I didnt want to talk i didnt want to about i just wanted lie here and cry thats all im good for. Like the Demons said no one would care if i died no one gives a shit about me.
A/N:hey guys so it looks like we have some drama yes. Well if u guys have any ideas please leave them in the comments.THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS. love you guys.

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