End of Tour

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Dani's POV
"Babe wake up" I hear Brooke say I open my eyes to meet her beautiful brown ones. "Morning gorgeous" I say stretching "Morning can you believe it's the last day of tour?" She asks "No I actually can't believe. It's definitely been one crazy ride." I say "Yea and somehow I finally got the courage to ask you to be my girlfriend." She says "I still don't know how you pulled that off." I say. She asked me to be her girlfriend during one of my mom's sets. She was about to sing Two pieces when Brooke pulls me on stage and asks my mom if she can borrow her mic. She literally asked me in front of everyone to be her girlfriend. "It was easy with a little help from your mom." She says "A little more like I pretty much planned it and organized it." My mom says from outside the bunk. "Hey do you mind we are trying to have a moment." Brooke says "Yea I can see that but come on guys it's our last day. You guys need to get outside. You've been in this bunk for the past 2 days." She says "Demi haven't you noticed by now? I mean isn't it obvious we're Vampires" I say as if she knew this whole time. "Oh really?" She says arching an eyebrow we both nod as she reaches over to pull back the curtains to open the window. We both hiss and try to get under the covers while she chuckles. "Y'all are crazy now come on I'm serious you two better be ready before soundcheck" she says "Yes ma'am" we say getting out of the bunk I head over to where I've kept my clothes and as I'm looking for something to wear I feel my phone go off.
Maddie😈😇💩: Pst wear some Demi merch today. We are going to prank her during Soundcheck.
Dani😎😋:Okay but I don't have any Demi merch.
Maddie😈😇💩: You do now!
I furrow my eyebrows as I feel something hit me. "What the fuck! Madison!" I say "You're welcome!" She yells as she runs off. I roll my eyes as I pass one of the shirts to Brooke. I finish getting dressed then we head over to the venue. Once inside I see a blonde wait no not just any blonde. "MARISSA!!!!!!!" I yell as I sprint over to her she giggles as I launch myself into her arms. "Hey babes how have you been?" She asks "I've been good." I say as Brooke comes to join us. "Marissa this is Brooke my girlfriend,Brooke this is Marissa Demi's best friend who is like a sister to me" I say introducing them "Nice to meet you Marissa" My girlfriend says being all polite and shit. "Right back at you Brooke. Listen you better treat this one right or else there's a shit ton of people that are going to want you dead." Marissa says "Gee thanks for not scaring my girlfriend Marissa." I say sarcastically. "Don't worry babe you're not getting rid of me that easily." She says wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing my check. "Awww okay you guys are so cute! Smile!" She says taking a picture of me smiling with my eyes shut making a peace sign and Brooke kissing my check. "Alright we all need to go backstage if this plan is going to work." Maddie says "Let me guess Mom doesn't know you're here." I ask Marissa "That she doesn't so shhhh" she says holding a finger up to my lips.We hung out back stage until my mom was singing Here We Go Again except it's the slower version. "Alright everyone know the plan?" Marissa asks we all nod. "Okay let's go fuck shit up!" She says as we all laugh. We all crawl on stage as she's singing the chorus and she turns to look and she starts laughing. I was sitting right behind Demi. "You never know what you want and you never say what you mean but I start to go insane every time that you fuck with me!" Demi sings to Marissa but Demi's fans being dirty minded all cheered. "You only hear half what I say and you're always showing up too late. Way too late cause I was already on the second verse of this song." Then she continued to sing as Maddie took Marissa's place and sang with Demi while Demi smiled at me and hugged and wanted me to sing too but I was too shy. After the meet and greet we all had to help Demi get into a snow man costume and she went and started dancing all crazy during Little Mix's song salute. Then during Fifth Harmony's song Me and My Girls she sprayed them all with silly string. Once she was on stage all the opening acts were formulating a plan to get Demi back. "Alright I want in guys" I say "Same here." Brooke says "The more people the merrier." Dinah says smiling. Cher went out in a leopard onesie during her part in Really Don't Care. Now for the grand finale! "Alright thank you guys so much for coming! This is the last song of the night and the last song for the neon lights tour. I love you all this is Give Your Heart a Break!" Demi yells as two security guards help her put on a blue robe that says Neon Lights Tour 2014 on the back. As well as put on a pink cowgirl hat. Once she got to the chorus of the song we all rushed out and sprayed her with silly string. And it was this huge dance party. Camila fell at least twice and so did Dinah. Brooke and I made out in the middle of the song which caused Demi to glare at the both of us. And Joe even snuck on stage and did a bunch of cute dorky things with Demi. As Demi went around thanking her band and opening acts I gave her a look that said 'Tell them' and she knew exactly what I meant "And sorry for keeping you guys in the dark for so long but if it wasn't for this special someone I wouldn't be here right now. Give it for my daughter Danilla Isabella Lovato!" She yells into the mic and the whole crowd erupts into cheers. "Ready?" She asks i nod "Ready." I say she holds the mic in between the both of us and we take a huge breath. "NEON LIGHTS TOUR BITCHES!!!!!" We both yell as the platform lowers and we go through this crawl space then we are backstage again. We are all just chilling backstage when I notice that Dinah has dissapeared. "So where are going after tour?" Camila asks "I go back to LA" Demi says distracted "Oh cool!" Camila says as Demi nods. Dinah then reappears with a whip cream pie. I struggle to hold in my laughter. "Demi I just wanted to say that I love you!" Dinah says as she pies Demi in the face. "Oh my god!" Demi says trying to get whip cream on the other girls. "That was good that was good. When I see you in LA your ass is mine!" Demi threatens. Everyone was laughing having an awesome time. "Demi?" I say "Yea babygirl?" Demi says "Thank you" I say "for what?" She says confused. I shrugged "Everything. I mean ever since that day at the park you're the one that's been there for me. You mean everything to me Demi. You saved me just like you say I saved you. I went from being your Secret sister to being your now not so Secret anymore Daughter. Thank you mom. I love you." I say she pulls in for a hug and kisses my forehead. "I love you too babygirl. Me and you against the world?" She asks I look up and smile "Me and you against the world."
A/N:Well that's the end of this story. And if there are enough requests to do a sequel then I will do one. This was one of my very first books and I am so so so so so so proud of it! Thank you for reading if you've made it this far. I love you guys!

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