Nicknames and Heather

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Danis POV
So we are about one show away from New York and Joe has joined the tour although he has to ride on the other bus because the girls and I all agreed that it would be wierd to have just one guy on the bus. Well the girls of fifth harmony all have nicknames for me. Lauren's is chipmunk because on the way to Soundcheck I always jump on her back and she carries me to the venue. Dinah's is kid because she wants me to remember that I am still a kid and to enjoy being one. Ally's is Sunshine because I'm usually one of the first to wake up so she always says "Goodmorning sunshine" and I help her with breakfast. Camila's is cupcake because once we went to a cupcake shop and Dinah smushed cupcakes all over my face and Camila said I looked like a cute Lil cupcake. Last but most definitely not least is Normani's is Boo Bear because she gave me a teddy bear one night when I had a nightmare on the bus. Right now Camilla was teaching me how to play Miss movin on on guitar. So far I have the chorus down but I keep messing up at the second verse. "Ugh I had it but then I didn't" I say messing up again. Camila just chuckles and says "That's okay cupcake why don't we take a break?" I nod as we head to the front where the others were. I sat in between Ally and Lauren. "Where's Demi?" I ask the girls "at the meet and greet but she should be back soon." Normani answers."Okay well I'm going to go see if I can find a skate park" I say going to my bunk and grabing my penny board. "We should probably go with you Sunshine" Ally says "Guys chill I'm 13 now I can take care of myself" I say "Yea but you could be mobbed by the paps" Dinah says "yea and If I do I'll give them the finger" I say "That's my kid" she says hugging me "Alright well be careful" Ally says "and don't get yourself into too much trouble boo bear" Normani says "and don't climb trees chipmunk" Lauren says jokingly I roll my eyes "okay guys I get it I'll see you guys at the show." I say heading off of the bus. I run into Joe on my way to find a skate park. "Hey princess what are you doing here all by yourself?" He says "trying to find a skate park what about you?" I say "just getting you and Demi some Starbucks here you go by the way" he says handing me a Carmel Frappuccino. "Thanks now to find a skate park" I say skating off "be careful" he says "No promises" I say joking I finally find a park close to the venue so I decided just to chill there until the show started. I looked around and saw that there was barely any people here so like the teenager that I am I went on my phone. I got bored so I decided to head back but before I did I heard a familiar voice say "hey bitch where do you think you're going?" I turn around to see none other than the stepsister herself Heather. "What do you want Heather?" I say "What do I want same thing our dad wants. And I think you know what that is" she says getting closer to me. "Listen Heather don't you dare call that man my father. He's been nothing but an ass to me since the day I was born. I'd like to forget I ever came from him. So if you would be so kind to just fuck off and both of you leave me the Fuck alone" I say getting ready to leave but she grabbed the collar of my shirt and threw me to the ground. "Oh Elizabeth you haven't learned have you. You see that isn't gonna happen sweetie but this is." She says punching me and starting to beat me up. "Oh and don't worry once you get to New York it will get worse." She says as she gives me one more kick. She grabs me again by my shirt and gets in my face. "You're nothing but a worthless piece of shit who drags everyone down. In fact why don't you just kill yourself you suicidal bitch" she says next thing I know I'm on the ground again but this time before Heather could do anything else I hear a voice say "HEY LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE" Then I see her take off and I'm in someone's arms. "Dani if you can hear me right now try to keep your eyes open baby." The voice says but I couldn't and soon I blacked out.
Demi's POV
I just finished the show and went into the dressing room to see that Dani was no where to be found. "Joe have you seen Dani?" I ask "um I think she's with the Fifth Harmony girls" he says "okay" I say I went to thier dressing room and saw the girls messing around. "Hey Demi" Camila says smiling "Hey have you guys by any chance seen Dani?" I ask now getting worried because I hadn't seen her since this morning. "No but we might have an idea of where she is" Ally says "okay where?" I ask "The park" Lauren says "she must've lost track of time teenagers these days" Dinah says "yea thanks guys" I say I start heading to the park that's closest to the venue. Since I knew that she wouldn't go that far. When I see some blonde girl beating her up. Wait that's Heather. "HEY LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE" I yell running over to them she takes off but I rush over to Dani. "Dani you can hear me right now try to keep your eyes open I could see that she was trying her best to but she finally gave in and closed her eyes. I called the police and the ambulance came. I rode with them all the way to the hospital and she was rushed to emergency care. I called Joe and the girls and told them exactly what I knew. They both said they were on their way. When they got here the girls had a bunch of stuffed animals and balloons for Dani and were all in tears and Joe was comforting me while I cried into his shoulder. We stayed like that for what seemed for hours into we heard "Danilla Lovato?"
A/N: Hey guys so what did you guys think of this chapter. I know I was gone for a while but now I'm back and hopefully I'll start updating more often. Alright well if you guys have any ideas or feedback I'd love to hear from you guys. Well until next time I love you

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