Im Next

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Danis POV

These past couple of weeks have been good. Demi and Marrisa hired a tutor for me. Joe left last week but we swaped numbers so we can keep in touch. Demis been acting wierd these past couple of days. I want to ask her whats wrong but im afraid to. Before Demi went into treatment i would ask her whats wrong and she would say 'Nothing im fine.' I would hear her cry at night and thought i wasnt good enough for her. "Dani can we talk." Demi says standing in the doorway of our room. "sure Dem whats up." i say looking up from my math homework. She sat on the bed next to me. "You know our dad right." she starts. "Eddie or...Patrick." i say hesitating to say his name. "Patrick." she says i bite my lip and nod. "Well a couple of days ago he died." she says "What?" i say "He had a mental illness Dani he could function in socitidy." she says holding back tears. "Demi come here." i say wrapping her in my arms. She cried into my shoulder while i rubbed her back. "His furneral is tomorrow." she says once shes calm. "We are going then Simon well understand even though he can be a grouch sometimes." i say making her laugh. "See thats the laugh dad would want." i say she nods. "Lets go to sleep Babygirl we have an early flight tomorrow." She says "But what about my homework." i say "you can do it on the plane" she says laying down. "Okay." i say i put my homework aside and snuggle up next to her. she puts an arm above my head and hugs me with the other. i lay on her chest listening to her heartbeat. "Demi" i say "yea." she says "Do you think dads looking over us." i say "Of course i do" she says "Do you think he'll watch over us?" i ask "Dani hes our Nightingale now" (ok so i know i said it was 2012 in the story but i couldnt come up with anything else so Now its 2013) Demi says i nod as i slowly fell asleep
Demis POV

i smiled as i watched my babysister sleep shes so cute even though she wouldnt agree. i kissed her forehead and fell asleep only to be woken up by screaming. i look over to see Dani having a Nightmare. "Dani wake up." i say shaking her awake. she opens her eyes and imediantly hugs me. She grabbing on as if her life depended on it. "Shh babygirl its okay im here shh im not gonna let anyone or anything hurt you ever again. Once shes calm we lay back down i wrap my arms protectively around her "Do you wanna talk about your dream?" i asked worried "No can you sing?" she asks "yea i can can you?" i say "you know what i mean" she says smiling "i know i just wanted to see you smile" i say she buries her face in her pillow "Dont hide that beautiful face from me baby." i say she lays back on her back. i pull her close to me and start singing Nightingale She slowly falls back to sleep and soon so do i.
Danis POV

"Baby wake up we have a plane to catch."Demi says "Oh yea." i say "You okay?" Demi asks "Yea" i say "Are you sure?" she asks " Demi im good. " i say "okay but remeber im here for you." she says tucking a lose hair strand behind my ear "i know" i say "im gonna go get ready" i say i straighten my hair and put on a bit of make up and decided to wear my sweats to the airport. "um you know you dont have to wear make up to the air port." Demi says "uh i kinda do cause there will be paps" i say "go back in there and take that off." she says "ug fine." i say i go back in the bathroom and wash my face i walk out of the bathroom "There you go see much better right." she says "Whatever floats your boat Demz" i say "Here put this on its cold out there." She says handing me a hoodie "its the middle june Demi" i say "um its cold in the morning."Demi says "okay" i say putting on the hoodie We walk into the kitchen for a quick breakfest "Okay time to head out" Demi says "wait can i go say goodbye to marissa" i say "yea go ahead ill be in the car." she says i nod i run upstairs and go in Marissa's room. She asleep so i decide to do a run and jump. i run and jump ontop of her. She stirs in her sleep "mmm what the hell." she says i laugh "get up im leaving soon and i wanted to say goodbye." i say she opens her eyes and tackles me down on the bed and starts tickling me "Riss stop." i say laughing "tell me you love me" she says giggling "ok i love you." i say she stops and hugs me "Never say goodbye because goodbye means leaving and leaving means forgeting" She says "Nice quote what is that Peter pan" i say "Yea howd youd know?" she says "ive seen that movie way too many times i literally know that movie word for word." i say We hear Demi honk the horn "im coming" i yell "is it just me or did that sound innaproprate." i say "nope you're not the only one with a dirty mind." she says "oh my god okay anyways see you soon." i say hugging her "see you soon babygirl." she says we pull back and i head back downstairs i hopped in Demis car "What took you so long." she says i roll my eyes "just drive" i say turning on the radio There was nothing on so i just turned it off and listened to my own music and tried to sort everything out. So the man who is my bilogical father who abused me who said i was worthless who didnt care about me is dead. Sure we didnt have the best relationship but we had our moments and those are the moments i want to remeber i want to forget all the bad ones but unfortantly there are more bad ones than there are good. i feel someone pull out my earbud "hey" i say "We're here" Demi says "yay" i say under my breath "you okay?" she says "yea just thinking" i say "about" she says "i dont know everything" i say she puts a hand on my shoulder indicating to look at her so i do "Dani its okay to be sad this is a sad thing but hes in a better place now" she says i nod we get out of the car and max is there and then of course theres the fans and the paps. Demi stops to sign some stuff and takes some pictures and i even got asked to be in some of the pictures which i was happy to take although the paps kept yelling rude comments but soon we were ushered into the airport we took a private jet since it was gonna be in Texas. I used the time to figure out what i was gonna say i mean he is my dad i gotta say something i made a list of things to talk about. When i was done we landed wow that was fast we changed out of the clothes we were in to more appropraite clothes. i was wearing a black shirt with jeans and white converse while Demi wore a long black dress with white heels. We saw Mom and Dallas so we went over to greet them then we went to the furneral.
At the Furneral

We all sat in the front Mom Dallas me Demi Eddie and Maddie. Dallas and Demi were both sobbing because of the pictures were showing i let a few tears shed but for the most part i was okay. I wasnt really listening until it was time for me to speak. "Hi im Danilla Lovato and patrick was my dad. We may have not had the best relationship but we had our moments. Like my 5 birthday he bought me a cake and sang happy birthday to me and we just basically had the best day ever. Then when i was Six he took me to a concert which was cool of him i remeber him lifting me on his shoulders so i could see and i just remeber feeling loved. Patrick was my dad and although we didnt have the best moments hes my dad and ill love him no matter what hes always gonna be in my heart" I say i go over to his coffin and just stand looking at him. He looked so peaceful he looked nothing like he looked like when he was drunk this is the dad thats in all my good memories. i kissed his head "See you soon dad" i say i go back and didnt even relize i was crying until Demi pulled me into her lap. "Hey its okay babygirl it gonna be okay im so proud of you." i say "You dont understand" i say through my tears "Im Next" i say
A/N: whoa what does Dani mean by that find out in the next update hey guys sorry for not updating ive been kinda busy if you guys have any ideas for the story please leave them in the comments. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS love you guys

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