My New Friend

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Danis POV

its been a week since Demi and dallas made up. I was in the living room thinking about the surgery. What if something goes wrong. What if i have sezguire. i need to get my mind off this. i grabbed my penny board from the basement and was heading outside when "hey babygirl where you going." i hear demi say "just to the park ill be careful i promise." i say "ok be careful dan."she says kissing my head. "i will." i say heading out. I made my way to the park and it was empty. i sat on the swing set and put in an earbud listening to Demis new album Unbroken. I havent really listened to it fully. I always stop after For The Love of a Daughter. I know she wrote it about patrick. "hey freak." i hear a voice say "what do you want." i say looking up. She was a blonde you know one of those popular girls. "Oh nothing just that locket." she says i look at my locket. "you cant have it." i say "why not did your daddy give it to you." she asks "listen bitch i dont know who you think you are but you better fuck off before i beat your ass." i say "i think im brittney and i will have that locket it will match perfectly with my outfit." she says her hand was about to get my locket but i slapped it away. "listen fatass i dont know who you think you are but i always get what i want." she says holding me by my shirt. "Hey leave her alone." i hear someone say she had long wavy black hair and brown eyes. "oh yea and what are you gonna do about it." brittney says "leave her alone or ill tell the whole school about the third grade." she says "you wouldnt." brittney says "try me." the girl says "youre lucky this time freak." she says throwing me down. She walks away. The girl with the wavy hair comes over to me. "hey are you ok." she asks "yea." i say relizing my benie fell off i quickly turn and put it back on. i turn back around and smile. "thanks for saving me." i say "it nothing really." she says "im dani." i say extending my hand out to her she takes it and says "May" "Well may im glad you did what you did or else i wouldve been dead." i say "youre welcome and just wanted to say that you are beatiful with or without that benie." she says "Thanks." i say she shakes her head and says "just stating the fact. hey listen i gotta go but we should hang out sometime heres my number." she says writing it on my hand. "text me ok." she says i nod and smile.  i head back home and demi rushes over to me. "whats this." she says pointing to my arm. i look and i see a brusie fuck. "its nothing i just fell but im ok." i say "ok did you meet anyone at the park." she asks "yea her name is May." i say "oh are you guys friends." she asks "um i dont really know but i think we are." i say "ok." she says i head up to our room and text her. We text all day and got to know eachother.
D:Well i gotta go im getting tired night.

i smiled at the text and fell asleep i can already tell we are going to be great friends.
A/N:Well there ya go another chapter. I want to dedicate this chapter to @clarakins just cause i love her. If you guys have any ideas for the story please leave them in the comments below. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS. Love you guys.
Dont ever call a girl fat even if youre joking-Demi Lovato

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