Fifth Harmony

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A/N: Okay so I decided that I'm going to skip a few months ahead to where Demi is about a week from starting tour. We good? Yea...okay let the chapter begin.
Danis POV
I was sitting through another meeting about Demi's Neon Light Tour. The album was released a few months back and it was an instant hit and I could see why I mean I constantly have it on full blast all the time. "Alright so now we have to decide on opening acts any ideas?" one of the people from Hollywood Records asks. "Hmm how about we have Cher Lloyd come on tour I mean she could sing her part in Really Don't Care" Demi says "Excellent idea Demi" the person says I really don't pay attention to the Hollywood Records people's names but maybe I should oh well too late. "Any other ideas?" The guy at the front asks. I thought since I'm technically part of the meeting I would speak up. "How about we have Fifth harmony come on the road with us?" I say I heard everyone gasp "she speaks" the guy chuckled I rolled my eyes. "So is that a yes or a no?" I ask "I like the way you think Ms...." the guy starts to say "call me Dani" I say "Dani right" he says. "Whoa you actually talked I thought you were asleep" Demi whispers "well I do have freedom of speech don't i" I say "you got that right good idea by the way" she says "gracias" I say. We finally were out of there and on our way home. "Hey what do you think of getting to know the fifth harmony girls while joe and I go on a date." Demi says "Well my only other option is to sit in the restaurant while watching you and joe sucking eachothers faces off so I think I'll choose the fifth harmony girls" I say making her laugh. "You could've just said yes" she says "yea but that's boring" I say As she pulls up to the house. We get inside and I see Joe in a suit. "Holy shit Jonas you clean up nice" I say earning a glare from both of them. "Thanks princess but a princess doesn't use that kind of language" Joe says "you sure about that joe cause Demi cusses all the time and she was a Disney Princess" I say "keyword there was" Demi says I roll my eyes "Well I'm almost 14 so I'm basically almost an adult" I say "No you got that wrong you'll be a teenager baby" Demi says "Same thing" I say "actually no cause you start your-" she starts to say but I cover my ears "lalalalala I can't hear you" I say sticking out my tounge. She lifts me up to a counter top. "You know we are going to have to have 'the talk' sometime" she says "yea and that time is not now" I say jumping off the counter and running up to my room. "The girls will be here soon be good!" I hear Demi call after me "No promises" I say As I hear the door close. I popped in Demi's new Album and blasted it. I decided to post a keek. I started recording. "When you're left alone while your sister and her boyfriend go out on a date you do this" I say to the camera turning up the stereo and pointing the camera out my window. "BUY DEMI ON ITUNES!!!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs and stop the keek and posted it as I laughed my ass off. "So you must be Dani" I hear a voice say I turn around to see a girl around my height with brown hair and she looked kinda Hispanic. "That's me! And you must be..?" I say "oh I'm sorry I'm Ally" she say extending her arm "nice to meet you" I say shaking her hand. "Um by the way how much of that did you see?" I say referring to my keek "all of it" she says laughing as I laugh along. "Guys I found Demi's sister" Ally says going downstairs as I follow. I saw 4 other girls standing in the living room. 3 out of all 5 of them had black hair and 4 of them had brown eyes except for one who was tall and had a beanie on who had green eyes. "Dani this is Dinah,Normani,Camila and Lauren,Girls this is Dani" Ally says "hey nice to meet y'all" I say "aww she's so cute!" Camila says pinching my cheeks "um ouch that hurts my badass ego" I say "That's totally something Demi would say you sure you aren't her kid?" Lauren asks "positive last time I checked I did not come out of her" I say which is partially true I mean I didn't come out of her. "So what do you want to do kid?" Dinah asks "anything I guess you guys up for a movie?" I ask "YES!!" they all cheer This is going to be one fun night. "Okay Ally And Dinah you guys have junk food duty" Lauren says I chuckle "she said duty" I say laughing as the room erupts into laughter. "Okay but seriously you guys are in charge of junk food. Camila and Normani you guys get the movies while Dani and I fill the room with pillows and blankets. Everyone know what they are supposed to be doing" Lauren says "Ma'am yes Ma'am" I say saluting her as if we were in the army. "Good now March upstairs soldier" she say laughing trying to hide my laugh I March upstairs with her trailing behind me. I tossed the pillows to Lauren who was downstairs while she threw them into the living room. Soon we all had the living room ready for a movie night. "Okay so we brought a onsie for you so we could all match" Camila says "Guys I'm 13 not 5" I say "oh come on we all saw the pictures of you in that onsie on Christmas" Ally says "Shhh we do not speak of it I was tricked" I say causing them to laugh. "Whatever you say shorty" Lauren says "Whoa whoa whoa I am NOT short I'm 5'3 for your information" I say "well I'm still taller than you so ha!" She says "This means war" I say throwing a pillow at her. "Just go put the onsie on" she says chuckling "this isn't over!" I say As I go into the bathroom and change into the onsie. I see that Laurens back is turned to me so I hold up my finger to lips to signal the other girls not to say anything. I grabbed the whipped cream from the fridge and run and jump on Laurens back "suprise bitch!" I say spraying whip cream all over her face. All the girls start laughing as Lauren drops me on the couch. "Nice one kid" Dinah says high fiving me "oh no we got another prankster" Ally says "That's right so watch out you never know when I'm going to strike next" I say "That was a good one Dan gotta give you props but now I gotta get my Payback so.." Lauren says before sitting on me. "Gimme a kiss Dani" she says puckering up "Ew no!" I say struggling to get free. She starts tickling while I start laughing. "Guys help!" I say "Okay" Camila says pininng my arms down so Lauren has more access. "I meant help me!" I say laughing about to piss my pants. "Alright she's had enough guys" Ally says laughing. "One more thing" Lauren says kissing my cheek. "Ewww!!!" I say whipping the cream off my face. "Okay now go wash your face Lauren so we can get the movie started" Normani says "okay" Lauren says going into the bathroom. "This is going to be one fun night and when we go on tour there will be loads more of these kinds of nights" Camila says " yea you are going to love tour Dani" Dinah says "I know I am with you guys on the road it's going to be a lot more fun" I say As Lauren returns. "What did I miss?" She asks sitting next to me on the floor. "Not much now shhh this is my favorite part" I say. We were watching Pitch perfect I had the whole movie memorized. We were at the part where Becca and the red headed girl were in the shower singing Titanium. I was singing along to the song with the movie. "Wow Dani you're voice is amazing!" Ally says "Thanks" I say smiling "you should sing with us on tour one of the shows" Camila says "That would be amazing I would love to" I say "yea it'd be sixth harmony with you" Lauren says. "Yea I'll see if I can convince Demi to let me" I say "you won't need to do much convincing because I think it's a great idea" I hear Demi's voice say I look over to the front door to see Demi and Joe. "Hey you guys are here early" I say running to give them a hug. "Yea we are and what are you doing up at 2 in the morning missy?" Joe asks "I couldn't sleep I have too much energy in me" I say "Alright whose idea was it to give her sugar?" Demi says "it was mine but she'll crash soon it's part of the sugar rush" Camila says "Well thank you girls for taking care of her." Demi says "it was our pleasure." Lauren says "yea and if you guys ever need 5 amazing babysitters you know where to find us" Ally says "that I do bye girls" Demi says "bye guys" I say tired as I hug them goodbye. I went upstairs to Mine and Demi's room and crashed. Today was a good day.
Demi's POV
"So your nervous about going out on the road with Dani?" Joe asks "yea I mean with the dreams she's been having lately I mean what if they actually happen joe" I say "Don't worry babe just have someone with her at all times and make sure they never let her out of their sight and when you know there are going to be huge crowds just keep her close Dems do anything to keep her safe" Joe says "Look I'm coming out halfway through the tour so I'll be there soon she'll come back home with us I promise" he reassures me. "Okay well you should probably get going" I say "yea hey listen I was thinking of moving in." He says "yea that would be great considering how great you and Dani get along why don't you move your stuff in while we are on tour so that way it will be a total suprise for Dani." I say "Great idea baby well I'll see you later night babe love you" he says kissing me. "Night I love you too" I say As he heads out. I go upstairs to change into some sweats. As I was brushing my teeth I was looking at my Neon blue hair. I loved it but I felt like i needed to change it up for tour. I'll just ask my hair stylist tomorrow. Before I climb into bed I watch Dani sleep for a bit. She was laying on her side and her hair was covering part of her face. She looked so peaceful. She looked like an angel. I moved the hair out of her face and kissed her cheek. "Sweet dreams my little angel" I whisper as I lay down next to her wrapping an arm around her and falling asleep.
A/N: Hey guys so hope you guys liked this chapter. So what do you think is going to happen on tour?
Pranks?Drama?Cute stuff? Let me know what you guys want to see. I would love to hear from you guys! Anyway love you guys until next time.

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