Sisterly Time.

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Danis POV

i woke up next to demi and i smiled knowing that what happened last night wasnt a dream. I decided to wake her up since she didnt have work today i wanted to spend as much time as i could with her. "Demz Demi Dem Dem. uggg Demetria wake up before i pour water on you." i say she laughs and opens her eyes and smiles. Then just looks at me. "what." i say "im just so lucky to have a sister like you." she says bopping my nose. "oh shut up." i say "what its true." she says "And im lucky to have a sister like you." i say "you know what this calls for." she says "what." i ask she starts tickling. "Demi haha stop it." i say "tell me you love me." she says "ok i love you dem." i say she stops and i get up. "what do you want for breakfest babygirl." she asks "hm oh can you make your chocolate chip pancakes." i say "anything for you baby." she says ruffling my hair. "just dont set the house on fire." i say she laughs and goes into the kitchen. i went into the living room and turned on the tv. i looked at my phone and saw i had four messages all from dallas.

Da:hey prim wht u doing


Da:prim plz dnt tell me president snow got u

Da:dan answer me b4 i shoot u with my bow and arrow.

i laugh and text her back.

D:hey sorry it took so long katniss i was hanging wit demi wht up.

Da:just wondering if u wanted to catch a movie or something.

D:oh sorry dal but i cnt me and demi are going 2 do something and dnt ask me what because idk

Da:ok thts fine we cn do something tom then

D:yea totally.

"Dan the pancakes are ready." i hear demi call from the kitchen. "coming." i say i go to the kitchen and sat at the table. "looks good dems." i say "thanks." she says i nod and dig in. I love demis pancakes so i ate them all. "can you please tell me where we are going." i say putting my plate in the sink. "sorry babygirl but thats a suprise." she says "ok hurry up then i want to know." i say. "ok go get dressed then." she says i nod and head to our room. Yes i moved back in with her. i missed sharing a room. i got dress in my usaul outfit and went down stairs. "you ready." she asks "yea." i say "alright leggo." she says. We drive all the way to this buliding. "alright now im going have to blindfold you." she says holding up a bandana. "Demi if your planning on kidnapping me or something like that im gonna kill you." i say "im not kidnapping you im your sister and dont you trust me." she says "ok." i say she put the bandana on me alright how many fingers am i holding up. "how the hell am i suppose to know that what am i a fucking magicion." i say she laughs and gets out of the car. She opens my door  and helps me get out. "alright just walk." she says "ok." i say taking her hand she leads me to wherever it is shes taking me. "alright take off the bandana." she says i take it off and see a trampoline warehouse all to ourselves and dallas and mads were already here. "what the hell i thought you were at school." i say "called in sick." mads says "and your date with rob." i say "never had one." dallas says "what you guys." i say "alright what are we standing around here for lets have some fun."  demi says we jumped around and just had a great time. Then we discorvered the nerf guns and it was every man for themself. i hid behind on of the safety mats and crept out i saw dallas and i shot. "haha." i say "thats it." she says shooting at me. "miss me miss me now you gotta kiss me." i sing/say Then i feel something wet on my cheek. "did it for ya dal." i hear demi say. "ew demi." i say wiping the slobber off my cheek. Wait i can i sell this on ebay for 10 bucks hey lovatics will buy anything but then again its spit. so i wip it off on my jeans. i run after demi and see her. "say your prayers lovato." i say "in your dreams lovato." she says we have a stare down and then shoot. i shot her and she missed. "ha oh mads where are you." i say i run around to the other side of the trampolie house. "turn around." i hear mads say i turn on my heel and see a ball pit behind me. "any last words." she says "yea uh demi you're my favorite." i say joking i love all my sisters eqaully. "hey!" dallas and maddie say at the same time. Mads shoots me and i fall back into the ball pit. "cannon ball." mads says putting her gun down and jumping in. Dallas and Demi also jump in. We play around in there like a bunch of 12 year olds well mads and i are 12 so its ok but dallas and demi are like 20 so yea. "oh shoot we have to buy some groceries." dallas says "aww do we have to we are having so much fun cant we go tomorrow." i say "uh dan we have no food." demi says "we can always order out." mads says "i knew you were my favorite." i say ruffling her hair. "guys the sooner we go the sooner we can go home and get in pool." dallas says "POOL PARTY!" mads and i yell we go into demis car since mads and dallas walked there. Its wasnt that far from the house. We went to the grocery store and mads and i wandered off. "dude the cookie isle." i say we head in there and see double stuffed oreos. "maybe we can sneak these into the basket." mads says "see told theyd be here." demi says they came and i hand the oreos to mads. "your idea your job." i say she secretly puts them in the cart and its a sucsess. we highfive eachother. Then we pass by the candy isle we secretly put in some of our favorite candy. "i cant belive they havent noticed." i say "i know." maddie says  "guys whats all this candy doing in the cart." demi says "spoke too soon." i say "oh nothing just chilling." mads says pushing the cart torwards the check out. "guys we cant buy all of this candy now put some back." dallas says we nod and take out the ones we dont really like that much but we leave all the chocolate. We check out and then head for the pool even though im still in jeans and a shirt i jump in "cannon ball." i say Maddie follows my actions. "yall are crazy." demi says "why do you think they call me mad." maddie says. "ohhh good one dude" i say giving her a highfive. "cmon demi the water feels refreashing." i say "yea cmon demi." maddie says "fuck it." she says taking off her leather jacket. she jumps in and then we end up having a water fight. "you guys started without me." dallas says "sorry dal." i say "its ok im here now." she says jumping in. We have this huge water fight that continues until midnight. "ok  guys get out take a shower and then its lights out." dallas says "ok mom." i say as we all get out. "i call being first to take a shower. "Demetria Devonne Lovato get back here." i say but she already beat me to the bathroom. "Dont take Forever demi." i say "No promises." she says i hear the water trun on and i hear demi start to sing the national anthem i shake my head and pull out my phone. i go on twitter and decide to tweet.
@Danithedragon: its true what demi says in interviews she does sing the national anthem in the shower.  ha love you @ddlovato. #shesproblygonnakillmeforthis.

i smile and then tweet it. i look at my replies and see that demi retweeted and said. @Danithedragon you are soooo dead love you too.

i laugh. "who tweet while they are in the shower." i say "im not in the shower anymore." she says "TMI." i say "what?" she says "cmon dem your not that old are you." i say "hey im not old." she says coming out the shower. "your 20 years old thats like two decades." i say "whatever." she says i go and take a shower in half the time that demi took. i throw on her old ACDC shirt and some sweats. Then i climb into bed with demi. i kiss her forehead. "what was that for." she asks "to thank you for today." i say laying on her chest. "after that horrible fight we had today made me forget that day. today made me relize that theres some good in you." i say "im all good baby i promise as long as i live i will never hurt you again." she says "me and you against the world?" i say "me and you against the world,forever and always." she says "well in that case" i say reaching over to her nightstand and grabbing my locket and the stay strong bracelets. i hand her the stay wristband and she puts it on. i put on my strong wristband. i let her put on my locket. "im never gonna take these off no matter how mad i am at you." i say she kisses my cheek. "what was that for." i ask "just because i love my babysister." she says pulling me closer to her. "im not a baby anymore." i say looking at her eyes. "in my eyes you are and you always will be no matter how old you get." she says "i wove you dem dem." i say in my baby voice she chuckles and says "i love you too dan."  i layed my head on her chest and fell into a peaceful sleep.
A/N:hey guys so i wont be able to update for the rest of the week because ive got a busy week. At the latest ill try to update on tuesday. Well hope you guys enjoyed this super long chapter. if you guys have any ideas please leave them in the comments. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS. love you guys. p.s. i was thinking of writing a quote at the end of each chapter would that be cool. Well i think this chapter deserves two.
Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect -Demi Lovato
The world may be broken but Hope is not crazy-The Fault in Our Stars.

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