New York

708 26 1

Dani's POV
"Baby wake up" I heard someone say as they gently shook me "mhmm no five more minutes" I say "Dan get up before I get Dinah to pour water on you" mom says I groan as I sit up in my bunk. "There I'm up happy?" I ask sarcasticly "yes very" she says I roll my eyes at her "well I'm not I wanted to pour this water on you" I look over to see Dinah holding a glass of water. I shake my head but then I hear someone in the shower. "Who's in the bathroom?" I ask "Lauren why?" Dinah says I grabbed the glass from and went into the bathroom. I stood on the toilet and pour the cold water on Lauren. "Holy fucking shit!" She screams and looks up. "Dani when I get out of her you are so dead!" She threatens. I walk out of the bathroom laughing as I put the glass in the sink. "Nice job kid I taught you well" Dinah says high fiving me. "Alright so does everyone know the plan?" Demi asks "What plan?" I ask "The plan to keep you safe" she explains I looked at her still confused "here put these on I'll explain the whole thing later." She says handing me some of my clothes. "Um okay" I say going to go change. Once I'm done I see that all the girls are gone. But they left a note.
Hey babygirl,
So about the plan. The plan is to have someone with you at all times at least while we're here in New York. And since we are doing two shows here we figured that they wouldn't come until the next show. Since that's the day of Heathers Meet and Greet. Anyway you're stuck with Lauren. Do us a favor and try not to get yourself killed. Love you -Demi
Gee thanks mom. "So it looks like it's just you and me" a voice says behind me. I turn to see Lauren smirking at me. I turn to see if there's a place to hide. Nope nothing seriously I'm about to die and there's no way out of this. Great this is the end of my life where Lauren Michelle Jauregui is gonna murder me and- before I can finish my thought I'm on the ground being tickled by Lauren. "Ahh no cmon Lo please stop it was just a prank" I say in between breathes. "Nope you played the trick now you must pay the price." She says as she tickles my ribs. "Ahh okay fine. Lauren Michelle Jauregui is my favorite memberof fifth harmony!" I scream "and?" She says "and she super hot!" I say gasping for air as she releases me. "Well thank you chipmunk" she says kissing my cheek. I roll my eyes as I stand up. "So what do you want to eat babe? We've got cereal,pancakes,waffles" she says "I'm not really hungry" I say she looks at me and stares at me with those green eyes. God its like she's looking into my soul. "You're lying" she says "n-no I'm not" I stutter fuck great job at being convincing Dani. "Dani I know you're lying because you always bite your lip when you are" she explains I do I look to see that I am biting my lip. Huh? Wonder why I've never noticed that before. I sit down in one if the chairs ad she sits next to me. "What's wrong chipmunk?" Lauren asks I sigh "it's just that I'm scared. What if he does find me? What if he takes me? What if- what if I never get to see you guys again?" I say As tears escape my eyes. "Dani look at me" she says I look up at her as she wipes away some of the tears. "Look you have to trust us. We are never going to let any of that happen. And even if it does we'll find out some way to get you back. But look I promise as long as we're here nothing is going to happen to you. Okay?" I nod "okay" I say slightly smiling. "Hey there's that beautiful smile" she says which causes my smile to widen. "What do you say we go get some McDonald's for breakfast?" She asks knowing that's my favorite place to go. I nod excitedly. "Alright then go wait outside I'll be out there in a minute." She says I nod as I head outside. I shivered as the freezing cold temperature hit my face. Well I guess that's New York. I look around and notice that's there's barely anyone here. I started walking around in circles waiting for Lauren until someone grabbed me and pinned me against the bus and covered my mouth so that I couldn't scream. They held a finger up to signal for me to be queit. I nodded in response. "Is anyone else with you" the person said I shook my head. The person took thier hand off my mouth. "Who are you?" I ask they removed thier hood and my eyes widened as I opened my mouth to scream but she covered it again. "Shhh I'm not going to hurt you. I came here to warn you." She says as she takes her hand off my mouth. "Warn me? Sure why would you want to warn me? You hate me!" I say at the blonde headed girl who is supposedly my step sister. That's right it's Heather. "Look I know we had our differences but I'm on your side and I'm here to tell you the truth." She says "and just what Is the truth heather?" I ask "That's not my name. I'm Brooke." She says "Brooke?" I say she nods. "Look I was working for your dad. The only reason I did what I did to you is so that I could get out of a beating. Believe me I didn't want to do those things to you but I didn't have a choice. Look I came here to warn you because your dad has this big or else thing. If Demi doesn't hand you over by midnight tomorrow then he's going to blow up the whole stadium and kill everyone you love and millions of innocent people. You need to fill in the girls on this information. Then we can all meet up somewhere and come up with a plan. In the meantime I'm going to be distracting him so you're safe for today." She says "Look I gotta go." I grab her wrist. "Wait how am I goingto meetup with you?" I ask "just text me. Here give me your phone." She says I hand to her and she types in her number and hands it back. "There oh and one more thing I'm 15 not 13 I had to fail that grade twice just so I could be in the same grade as you." She says "okay so are we like friends now?" I ask "just think of it as we're on the same side and I'm not gonna hurt you" she says "wait how do I know I can trust you?" I ask "because of this." She pulls out a locket but not just any locket. It's the locket I gave to one of my best friends growing up. The one who I thought moved away to Florida. "You were Mac?" I ask "yes I was. Your Father didn't like the fact that we were best friends so he beat me and that's when I had say I was moving to Florida. I never actually did I just changed the color of my hair and my name but I kept the locket. I never went too hard or too easy on you always somewhere in the middle. Do you ever wonder who brought to the nurse after you cut both your wrists at school?" She asks "That was you?" I say she nods. "Now that you know that I'm on your side I hope that you can forgive me. I really am sorry Daz" she says using the nickname she gave me when we were kids. It's a combination of my first name and middle name. So like Dan and iz put together. "It's okay Brooke or should I say Pac Mac" I say because one time we were at the arcade and she was showing me how to play Pac Man and she is the Pac Man master. She smiled but then we heard someone call my name. "You better go Dan and I expect major details for the plan." She says "okay I'll see you later." I say As she walks away. I walk around the bus to see Lauren with her back to me. I start running and jump on her back. "Miss me?" I ask "You little shit" she says as I grab her beanie off her head and place it on mine. "But I'm your little shit" I say laughing as I wrap my arms around her neck. "Where were you?" She asks. "With Brooke Aka Heather" I say "What? What did she do this time? Are you okay? Are you hurt? That little bitch I'm gonna-" I cut her off before she could finish. "Whoa Lolo calm down look I'll explain it all once we get to McDonalds actually text all the girls and Demi and tell them to meet us there." I say she nods and takes out her phone to text them all and then she carries me all the way there. Boy do I have a lot of explaining to do.
A/N: Hey guys so what do you think is going to happen? Is Hearther/Brooke/Mac telling the truth? What's the plan going to be? Will the others trust her? If you guys have any feedback or ideas for the story feel free to leave a comment or inbox me. I'm always open to new ideas and I'd love to hear from you guys. Well until next time I love you

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