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Danis POV

I was blasting some music in my room when demi came in. "Hey Dani can we talk?" she says uh oh whenever she says 'can we talk' without saying 'hey babygirl.' its never good so expecting the worst i said. "yea sure dems whats up." i turned down the music so i could hear her. "So you know how we just came here for the holidays right." she says "yea?" i say "well they need back at work and you need to start school soon."  she says School wait School where they dont let wear hats no way im not going to school until my hair grows back. "Demi where are you going with this." i say "well you and me are going back to LA." she says "What no i am not going back when i just got my family back demi and what about May what am i going to tell her." i say "Relax Dan its not like we wont ever come back and plus theres Skype and texting so you'll still have contact with them. But since Marrisa and i are the only ones who know about your recovery you are going to live with me." She explains. I dont wanna leave Texas but at the same time i dont want Demi to leave. What should i do. "ok fine i guess we are going to LA" i say "Dont worry babygirl you are going to love LA." she says hugging me "yea yea well better start packing." i say turning the music back up and guess whos song was on the radio. "oh Demi." i say "yea." she says "your song is one the radio" i say "No way." she says coming back in but then she hears herself sing the chorus to Give You Heart A Break. "aahh! my songs on the radio!" she sqeals and starts jumping on the bed. i laugh and join we just start singing the lyrics at the top of our lungs. "What is going on in here." mom says "mom my song is on the radio." demi says mid air. "Oh my goodness Demi thats great." mom says We stop jumping on the bed and Demi goes over to hug mom. Then i hear my phone go off and see that May is calling me.
D:hey May whats up
M:hey babygirl did you hear demis song on the radio
D:yea i did acatually speaking of Demi it looks like ill be living with her in LA.
M:Oh my god thats great but im gonna miss my babygirl.
D:i know im gonna miss you too
M:when are you leaving?
D:i dont know
M:Well i gotta go babygirl
D:ok see ya May
M:See ya

I hung up then started packing. Then dallas came into my room. "hey kiddo what you doing." she asks "packing." i say "why are you packing." she asks "im sorta gonna live with Demi in LA." i say "Aw im gonna miss you prim." she says "im gonna miss you too katniss." i say "but hey theres always texting and skype right." i say "and facetime." she says i giggle "yea facetime too." i say She helps me pack and soon im all packed up. Her phone goes off. "oh sorry dan i gotta take this." she says "is it rob?" i say "maybe." she says blushing i laugh "tell him i say hi." i say Since i had nothing else to do i decided to see what maddie was doing. "hey mads." i say going into her room. "hey." she says putting on her converse. "Where ya going." i ask "Skatepark wanna come." she says "yea just let me grab my penny board" i say "kay meet me downstairs." she says i go back to get my penny board Then go downstairs. "hey where you going." mom asks "to the skatepark." maddie answers "ok be careful." she says "ok." we say heading out. Once we got there we started skating. "so i heard youre moving back to LA with Demi." Maddie says as i try to do a 360 "yea but im really gonna miss texas." i say "yea but you're gonna have a lot of fun in LA. And mom lets me stay the summers." She says "Really cool." i say landing a perfect 180 "nice dude." she says giving me a high five. We decided to head home. We got home around dinnertime. "hey guys." i say setting down my pennyboard. "Finally i was starving" Demi says "Nice to see you too Dem." Mads says taking her usual spot."oh yea you too mads." she say i take my spot next to demi. We say the prayer then dig in. "so Demi when do we leave." i ask "in a few days probly Friday." she says i nod Friday was in a two days so its a good thing im all packed up. The rest of the day was pretty chill we really didnt do anything other than watch movies and enjoy eachothers company. Today was a great day.
A/N:hey guys so do any of you remeber anything that happened in 2012 i mean i know tht Demi started judgeing on the Xfactor but what else? Anyway if you guys have any ideas for the story please leave them in the comments. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS love you guys

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