Finally in Africa

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Danis POV

"Wake up babygirl" Demi says shaking me "mmm five more minutes" I say rolling over and pulling the covers over my head. "Okay you asked for it." She says pulling the covers off of me and gets on top of me while tickling my sides. "Alright alright im up Demi stop" I say laughing then she starts to laugh which makes me laugh harder.  She finally stops and once we both catch our breath she gets off of me. "Get ready cause today we go to Kenya" she says doing a little happy dance I laugh and decide to go to the airport in what I was wearing. Which was one of Demis big shirts and sweats. I pull on my white converse and grab a zip-up hoodie. I run downstairs and grab a poptart. "Alright c'mon lets go" mom says as we all head in the van. I eat most of my poptart and give the rest to Demi. "You excited for Africa" she asks "Hell yea!" I say she laughs "We have to break your swearing habit" Demi says "Are you forgetting that you're the one who taught maddie how to say bitch" I say and everyone laugh while Demi blushes. "Awww she's blushing" I say "guys stop" Demi says as we arrive at the airport. We meet up with Natalie, Marrisa and Joe at the airport and get through the flood of paps. We stop taking photos with fans and signing autographs. Then we board the plane. I sat inbetween Demi and Marrisa. So I get to lay across them to sleep while we are in the air. "Oh my god we are actually doing this" Demi says shes bouncing in her seat. "This is going to be so much fun!" I say "yea I literally can't wait" she says.
After the plane ride

When we arrived at the village we were welcomed with open arms. I was in awe by the scenery. "Wow its so beautiful here" I say. "Yea it is." Demi says. We were showed to our cabins. I was sharing a cabin with Demi, Dallas, Marrisa, Natalie and Maddie. "Okay looks like we all are rooming together." Demi says "This is gonna be fun" I say "Yea but in order for us to get the full experience. Everyone has to give up any and all electronics." Demi says holding a bucket. "What! No not my baby" I say "Hand it over kid" Natalie says I look at Maddie and know that we both have the same idea. Everyone handed over thier phones except for us.  "RUN FOR IT!" We both yell and ran upstairs and basically all over the place "Dude in the closet." I say we run inside. "This is so unfair its 4 against 2" I say "I know. " Maddie says "Girls" Demi says "fuck" we both say "we know you are in there" Marrisa says "Guys just hand over the phones you can live without them" Dallas says "ugh! Fine" I say we come out of the closet. Not like the way you guys are thinking. "Goodbye" I say kissing my phone and putting it in the basket. "Demi can I share a room with Mads" I say "Sure babygirl" she says "yes c'mon dude" I say we run into one of the rooms and set our stuff down. "So we have no tv no nothing for this whole week" I say "Yea but its gonna be a busy week" Maddie says I nod.  "Girls we are going to the messhall for dinner. The village was basically like a summer camp except you could hear all the wilderness around you. "Alright so the people of this village want to perform a traditional dance for you guys so enjoy!" The leader of Free the Children says. The performance was amazing they did a great job. I see Demi talking to a person in a wheelchair and I notice that he didnt have legs. I was sitting on the floor making bracelets with the tribe moms. "Wow these are beautiful" I say "you like?" One of them asks I nod she gestures for my hand and I hold it out. She puts one of the bracelets in my hand. "For you" she says "Thank you" I say putting it on. "Its beautiful thank you so much" I say hugging her she nods.She says something in her languge and I turn to one of the translators. "She said a beautiful bracelet for a beautiful girl" the translator says I put my hand on top of hers. "Thank you and you are beautiful too" I say as the translator translates for me.  She nods. "Dani" I hear someone say I turn to see Demi waving me over. "I'll be right back." I say I walk over to Demi. "Spencer this is Dani my babysister" Demi says "Demi im not a baby" I say "You are to me anyway Dani this is Spencer he climbed a mountain." She says "No way! Really?" I say turning to Spencer "yep I did the impossible" he says smiling. "Dude you are a fucking badass!" I say "Thank you" he says laughing. As Demi smaks the back of my head. "Watch your mouth" she says I roll my eyes "Since when did you become my mom" I say "Oh your gonna get it" she says "catch me if you can" I say running "Dani get back here" she says. I can already tell this is gonna be a great trip.
A/N:Hey guys so here's another chapter hope you guys liked it. If you guys have any ideas for the story please leave them in the comments. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS. Love you guys

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