Don't Call Me That

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Danis POV
So we are back home now and I miss Kenya like crazy,Demi's been pretty busy these past couple of days. You know interviews,recording new songs,and talking about Kenya. Her new album is supposed to be out in March I think. Her single is coming out soon though. So most of the time that Demi's gone it's just me and Marrisa. I usually just hang out in my room. Demi has taken me to some of her interviews and stuff but I'm usually bored most of the time because it's all business stuff. "Hey Dani could you come here" I hear Demi say from downstairs. "Coming" I say heading downstairs. "Sup Dem?" I ask "Well I have someone very important to me coming over so I expect you to be on your best behavior." She says "Alright sounds cool" I say. It's probably another person she's collaborating with on the album. I've already met Cher Lloyd so who knows who else she's planning on collaborating with. "Hey Dems I was thinking we could make a quick Starbucks run." I say "Would love to babygirl but I gotta get ready for the studio" she says "oh okay " I say "I'm sorry baby maybe next time" she says I nod grabbing my penny board. "Well I'm going anyways I don't like being cooped up in here." I say she nods "Okay just be careful" she says "yea yea" I say pulling up my hood. I skate to the nearest Starbucks and ordered my usual Carmel Frappuccino. I sit down to drink it. I have both of my earbuds in listening to music. When someone taps me on the shoulder. I pulled my earbud out and waited for them to speak. "Is this seat taken?" That voice sounded familiar. I look up and my eyes went wide. "Joe!" I say standing and giving him a hug. "What are you doing here I thought you were on your way to New York." I say. "Well I was but my flight got canceled and I was actually on my way to suprise you. Then I thought why not get my princess a Starbucks" he says bopping my nose. "Aw you were gonna buy me a Starbucks!" I say "Yea and still am" he says "But I already had one" I say "Another one never hurt anyone" he says "Demi's gonna kill you but okay" I say while he laughs and buys me another Carmel Frappuccino. He gives me a ride back to Demi's when I see a silver car in the driveway. "Who's that?" Joe asks "I don't know but Demi did say that she was going to have some important person over." I say "Okay well I'll see you later princess" he says "bye joe" I say getting out of his car and going inside. "Hey babygirl I want you to meet someone." She says waving me over. I walk to where I see this Mexican dude standing in front of me. "Dani this is Wilmer,Wilmer this is my sister Dani." Demi says "Hola Princessa" he says. I remember taking Spanish in school so I know enough to understand it. "First off Don't call me that. There's only one person in my life who can call me that and you ain't him" I say shooting him a glare. "Whoa okay I'm sorry" he says with an accent. "You should be" I muttered under my breath. "Dani can I speak with you." Demi says "yea whatever" I say we step out into the hallway. "What the hell Dani you're supposed to be on your best behavior remember?" She says "Demi he called me princess in Spanish only Joe can call me that." I say "he made one Mistake Dan give him a chance." She says "Why do you care so much about this guy anyways? What is he? A rapper,singer." I say "He's my boyfriend" she says "wait boyfriend as in boyfriend" I say "yes" she says "what happened to that 'I'm not dating anyone for a whole year' thing." I ask "I changed my mind alright and as long as he is here you will respect him. Do I make myself clear?" She says "yea whatever I'm going to my room." I say but before I can she stands in my way. "No you're not. You are going to watch a movie with us." She says "ugh" I groan as we head to the living room where Wilmer is already sitting on the couch. Demi sits next to him and I sit next to her. "So Dani how's school?" Wilmer asks "I don't go to school. I do it online" I say "oh cool" he says "yea." I say "Why don't you tell Wilmer a little about yourself." Demi says I give her a really look and she glares at me as to say 'tell him' I roll my eyes. "Well there's not much to know. I'm 12 but I'll be 13 on the 20th of this month. I like to ride my penny board,go to the movies and hang out. And that's about it" I say not wanting to open up about my past. He doesn't need to know. The movie stared and Demi nor Wilmer were paying much attention cause they were too busy making out. It was disgusting! Demi didn't let me leave until the movie was over. I felt like a third wheel the whole time. When Demi dated Joe they didn't exactly make out when I was around maybe a kiss on the cheek or a peak on the lips but that was it. I really don't like Wilmer at all. I get this really bad vibe from him but I don't want Demi mad at me so I'll just have to pretend I like him and hope they break up.
A/N:Hey guys so not very good. I know but the next chapter will be better. Except I'm running out of ideas for this story. Do you guys have any ideas because I really don't want to delete this story. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS  love you guys

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