Its The End of The World.

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Danis POV

im so excited for today because we are throwing a party for New years since the worlds suppose to end in 2012. Yea we all know thats not gonna happen. or do we? Well i was helping mom put up decorations when i felt someone pick me up. "what the-" i say i look up and see demi smiling "hey dan." she says setting me down. "hey." i say "whats up." she asks "helping mom put up some decorations for our end of the year party." i say "oh cool can i help." she says "well the only thing we need help with right now is the streamers." i say "on it." she says we finish decorating in an hour. "now what." i say sitting on the couch. "hm oh i know." demi says grabing my guitar mom and dad got me for christmas. She handed it to me. "i dont know how to play." i say "here let me teach you then." she says she teaches me a couple of cords and in no time she taught me how to play This is me. "wow you know i never thought i would learn to play guitar but i think im gonna keep practicing until i can play a show or something." i say "maybe you could play in my band someday." she says "psh i doubt i'll be that good." i say "im sure you will be." she says smiling "what time do our guests get here." i ask "in an hour and theres gonna be a couple of famous people that you probly havent met yet so ill introduce you." she says i nod. "so what to do for the next hour." i say to myself then i suddenly got an idea. i went up to maddies room. i jumped on her bed. "mads i just came up with the greatest prank in the history of pranks." i say "ok what is it." she says "well we make dallas and demi belive the world is acutally gonna end." i say "ok how are we going to do that." she asks "by showing them fake news reports from the movie 2012 but edit it to make it look real." i say "thats good dan." she says "thanks now lets get to work." i say We work on the news report and i gotta say it looked pretty real. i went down to see if dallas and demi were there and there they were sitting on the couch watching the ID channle. i walked over and sat on the couch right in the middle of them. "hey have you guys seen the news?" i ask "no why." dallas says "its happening the worlds gonna end at midnight tonight." i say "psh haha good one dan." demi says "its true i can prove it." i say pulling up the video maddie and i made. i show it to them. "wow so i guess it is true the world is gonna end." dallas says "what are we going to do." demi asks "theres nothing we can do at midnight tonight. We all are dead." i say "well at least we are spending it with the ones we love." demi says as the doorbell rings. "ill get it." demi says i follow. mads mouthes "well." i give her a thumbs up. "selena!" demi says hugging someone. "come in how are you." she says "im good." says the selena gomez. I used to watch wizards of waverly place all the time. "uh demi whos this." she says "im dani demis sister." i say extending my hand. She shakes it and gives demi a weird look. "you remeber danilla right." demi says "yea shes the sister who died right." she says "yea well shes not dead i had to keep her a secret since she was 7 and i was 15 i used to keep her in my room and give her my meals but i basically spilled the beans about her this year." demi explains. selena puts her mouth in an "O" shape. "well its nice to meet you dani." she says "you too i used to watch wizards all the time by the way." i say "cool." she says more and more guests arrived and the house was packed with guests. i went to go get some soda when i heard. "TEN NINE EIGHT." well looks like the balls dropping. demi pulled me close and so did dallas she also pull mads close. oh yea they still think the worlds gonna end. "FIVE FOUR THREE TWO ONE HAPPY NEW YEAR!" everyone cheered except for demi and dallas who tried to protect us. "guys the worlds not gonna end it was a prank." i say "what" demi says "we made the video it was fake but you guys thought it was real." maddie says laughing. "you think this is funny." dallas says "yep." we say together. "well you wont think its so funny after this." demi says throwing me over her shoulder. dallas does the same with mads. "put me down." we keep saying they stop at the pool. "guys seriously put us down." i say "ok." they say dropping us in the pool. we resurfaced and the water was freezing. i look to see demi and dallas laughing thier asses off. "you guys asked for it." dallas says standing up "yea." demi says getting up as well. "oh shut up and-" i get cut off by demi "and love me" she says "seriously." i say "whatever just help us out." i say sticking my hand out and winking at maddie. "yea help us out it freezing." she says also sticking her hand out. "ok." they say they reach for out hands and we pull them in. we get out before they resurface and run inside the house laughing."hey what did you guys do." selena says "nothing just pulled demi and dallas in the pool no bigge." i say "you what." she says laughing "no time to explain you never saw us ok." maddie says "ok." she says "Where are they." i hear demi say "nice talking to you sel see ya." i say as we run upstairs to maddies room. we go out to this little balcony thing and jumped onto the roof. "lets stay up here until things cool down." maddie says "or until they find us." i say "yea." she says laying back. Mads and i are the same age except since i was born in september and she was born in december we are two months apart. "isnt it incredible." she says looking up at the stars. "yea it is." i say "it sure is peaceful up here." i say "yea its good place to think when im stressed about a test or something i come up and just look up at the stars and forget about my worries." she says "thats one way to relive stress." i say "yea what about you what do you do." she says i cant tell her i cut only demi and i know about that and mom would send me straight to a treatment if she ever found out about that so what do i do. "well i guess i just sit in my room listening to music. music is my everything." i say "yea i know what you mean. what kind of songs you listen to." she asks "well that depends on what kind of a mood im in if i need to go to sleep i usally listen to soft songs like catch me. but if im in a headbanging mood i usally listen to rock songs like Dont Forget or We The Kings." i tell her "wait you like we the kings me too." she says (A/N: ok so i dnt really know if she does like them its just for the story.) "no way did you hear they were going to have a show here soon." i say "yea but too bad its sold out." she says "or is it." i say holding up two tickets "no way dude howd you get these." she says "i preordered them i was gonna give the other one to some other fan but seeing as your one too we could go together." i say "yay thank you dude i cant wait to go." she says "dani mads can we talk." we hear demi say "its now or never." i say she nods we go back on the balcony and go back in the room. "hey dems wassup." i say "hey listen the prank you pulled wasnt ok dallas and i were scared to death." she says "we know we are sorry but it was just a prank." i say "yea and verry good one at that just be more careful of the other persons feelings when you do try to pull a prank ok." she says "ok." we say "ok so since you guys are still up you guys wanna have a movie night with me and dallas in my room." she says "you mean our room and its a yes for me." i say "right sorry and mads." she says "count me in." mads says we all head over to our room and get into the bed. We were watching a thriller and everytime it got scary i would cuddle closer to demi. "are you scared dan." she asks "no just wanna make sure you are still there." i say "well i am still here and i always will be." she says we all eventually fell asleep before the movie even ended.
A/N:hey guys whtd u think of this chapter. Well if u guys have any ideas please leave them in the comments. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS love you guys.

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