Im Sorry (Danis POV)

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(A/N:ok so im basically gonna write the same part twice just in diffrent POVs ok)
Danis POV

i was sitting on the couch texting dallas like i usally do.
D:whn r u gettin home
Da: soon prim i promise but do ur chores.
Da: do ur chores before i go over there and shoot u wit an arrow.

i laughed pretty loud i was going to reply when someone pulled my phone out of my hands and threw it against the wall. I looked up and saw Demi. i look at my phone and it was cracked. "WHAT THE HELL" i yell at her. "SINCE WHEN ARE YOU CLOSE TO SOMEONE WHO WASNT THERE FOR YOU WHEN YOU HAD NIGHTMARES." she yells "THE ONLY REASON SHE WASNT THERE FOR ME WAS BECAUSE YOU KEPT ME A SECRET FOR MOST OF MY LIFE" i yell "WELL NOW I REGRET EVER TELLING MY FAMILY ABOUT YOU." she yells i was taken aback did she really just say that tears were in my eyes but im not gonna let them fall. "I HATE YOU DEMI." i yell in her face. Next thing i knew there was a stinging on my face. i fell to the ground and held my cheek. it hurt really bad. i looked up at demi and i didnt see the sister who used tuck me in at night or read me a bedtime story. i didnt see that sister who fight off my demons. No what i saw was far from that i saw a monster. "Dani im so sorry." demi says she went to put her hands out i covered my face. "im sorry please dont hurt me im sorry for whatever i did just dont hurt me." i say sobbing. "babygirl." she starts "dont call me that ever again." i say getting what was left of my phone and going to my room. i locked the door behind me and curled up into a ball and just cried for hours. What happened to The demi that loved me?
A/N:hey guys there you go wow so pretty drama filled chapter huh well be prepared for the next one. If you guys have any ideas please leave them in the comments. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS. Love you guys.

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