You're my what?!?

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Danis POV
"Dani can you come down here?" I hear Demi call from downstairs. "Yea I'll be down in a sec." I say getting up from my bed and going downstairs. I see Joe and Demi in the living room. "Hey guys" I say walking over to them. "Dani sit down we have to tell you" Joe says "okay? What's up?" I say "Dani you that joe and I love you right?" Demi says "yea?" I say "and you know that the only reason we would keep something from you is to keep you safe right?" She says "What's going on? " I ask now really curious. She sighs and looks at joe he nods. Demi sits next to me and grabs my hand. "We are your parents" she says looking me straight in the eyes. "No that's impossible then you would've had to be 9" I say "We adopted you when you were 6" Joe says "We were 17 and we thought we were ready to Raise a child." Demi says "So all those memories I thought were Patrick were really with my real dad?" I ask Demi nods. She hugs me and says "I'm so sorry we had to keep this from you because we knew that you would constantly be in the spotlight and that there would be a lot of hate and we didn't want you to go through that." She says "Well you do realize that I am going through that right now right?" I say "Well there's something else" She says "okay" I say "Your biological father is looking for you." She says "What?" I say As my eyes go wide with fear as I sit back against the couch hugging my knees and my breathing gets fast. "Baby shhh calm down its okay we won't let him hurt you." Demi says comforting me and bringing my head into her chest. "What if he does?" I ask "he won't he lives in New York and the last time he saw you was when you were 3 so he barely remembers you" Joe says "okay wait what were you guys doing in New York?" I ask  "Well we were on the camp rock tour and we saw you and we just fell in love with you the second we saw you." Demi says "So should I  start calling you guys mom and dad?" I ask "only If you want to. We don't want to pressure you or anything" Demi says "okay" she says "are you mad" Demi says nervously "Not really I mean you guys had your reasons" I say Demi hugs me tightly and kisses my forehead. "Thank you so much for understanding babygirl I love you so much" she says squeezing me. "Love you too Dems but I can't breathe" I say "Sorry baby" she says letting go "It's okay" I say gasping for air. "Hey can't forget about your old pal joe. Where's my hug princess?" He says I laugh and hug him as well. "I love you both so much." I say "Are you guys going to tell the public about me being your daughter?" I ask "Well we were thinking about keeping it private until the police catch your real father" Demi says i nod. "So I'm guessing only Family and close friends can know" I say "actually they all already knew" Joe says "So wait how come I don't remember any of this?" I ask "can you think back to your 6th birthday?" Demi says
"Danilla come down here sweetie" I heard Demi call. I went downstairs to see a cake and presents and joe."Happy birthday princess" Joe says picking me up and kissing my head I giggled "Thank you" I say hugging him back. He set me down in a chair and they both started to sing 'happy birthday' "make a wish baby" Demi says I smiled and blew out the candles. Then it was time for presents. I opened all of them except a really big one. "Alright this one is from the both of us." Demi says I got really excited smiled i tore open the wrapping paper and there stood a speaker with a microphone. "Just what i wanted! Thank you! I love you mommy!" I smile day hugging Demi but then I remembered that she didn't like it when I called her that so I shrank. "What did you just call me" she says starting to get mad "nothing" I say quietly "Demi calm down it just slipped" Joe says "stay our of this joe" she says as she grabbed me by the collar and picked me up and threw me to the ground. I laid there in pain as she started to kick me. "Never ever call me that again you little brat!" She yells as she kicked me again. "Demi stop you're going to kill her" Joe says "Why do you care she's not your blood" she yells at him. "But she is my daughter and she yours too" he says "No she's not my daughter nor will she ever will be in fact she won't remember after this. Then she kicked me in the head one Last time and then everything went black.
End of Flashback
"So you made me loose my memory?" I say As everything was starting to come back to me. "The doctors said you had Amnesia so we were going to jog your memory but the we got a phone call from your father saying that he was going to find you and take you back. So we changed your middle name and last name" Joe says "wait so what's my real name?" I ask "you're real name is Danilla Elizabeth Peterson" Demi says "I think I like Danilla Isabella lovato better" I say "really?" Demi says "Yea it's who I am and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure my name stays that way unless you two get married" I say winking at joe. "One base at at time Dani" he says "What if you hit a home run?" I say "oh so we have a smartass on our hands Demi" He says "Do you know what we do to smartasses Dani?" Demi says smiling "Take them to the store and buy them anything they want?" I say "Guess again" Joe says getting on the other side of me. "You got me" I say "We tickle them" Demi says starring to tickle me. "No no come on guys" I say laughing as they tickle my sides. "Tell us you love us." Demi says "okay okay I love you" I say still laughing they stop as we catch our breath "NOT!!!" I say running upstairs "Danilla Isabella come back here" Demi says chasing after me "catch me if you can Demetria Devonne" I shot back laughing I can already tell this just made our relationship stronger. I can't wait to see where this takes us.
A/N: Boom there you guys go another chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it. It's a long one I know but the long ones are the best ones. If you guys have any feedback or ideas for the story I would love to her them! I love you guys and hope you had an awesome Easter if you celebrate it if not then hope you had snow awesome day always because you're awesome!

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