A new adventure

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Danis POV
"Dani hurry up or we are leaving without you!" I hear Demi shout from downstairs. "I'm coming" I say zipping my suitcase as I raced down the stairs. "Nice Beanie!" Demi says I was wearing my new 'lovato' beanie. "Thanks so we're sharing a bus with the Fifth Harmony girls right?" I say "right now come on and let's begin this adventure together" she says taking my hand and we were off on this new adventure. "Where are we headed" I ask "Vancouver I think" Demi answers "oh cool" I say "I think I'm gonna go pick out a bunk and say hi to the girls" I say Demi nods. I went into the bunk section and picked out a middle bunk and then I went to the back lounge. "DANI!" I hear the girls say before they all tackle me to the floor. "ow guys we saw eachother yesterday" I say As they all get off of me. "We know but we just missed your cute face" Camila says squishing my cheeks. I laugh "okay you guys while I love being on the bottom of this dog pile I also love breathing" I say they all laugh as they get off. "Alright so I think we should set some ground rules" Ally says "Ally chill this isn't my first rodeo. I know mostly all the tour rules like no pooping on the bus because it'll stink up the whole bus" I say "Alright then you should also know about the tickle rule" Lauren says smirking "tickle rule? what's the-" before I could finish my sentence Lauren is on top of my tickling my sides. "oh my god Lauren stop" I say laughing "Say Lauren is a badass mother fucker and my favorite member of fifth harmony" she says "NEVER!!" I yell as she still tickles me. Demi walks in "What are you doing to my sister?" She asks "showing her the rules" Lauren says "Demi help!" I say between my laughs. "sorry baby you're on your own" Demi says chuckling "you know you just have to say that one phrase" Lauren says "okay okay Lauren is a badass mother fucker and is my favorite member of fifth harmony" I say catching my breath. I get up and go and sit by Demi. "when do we stop we've been on this bus forever" I whine "we've only been on the bus for 15 minutes" Demi says laughing "and that just proves my point" I say she laughs " we'll be at the venue soon I promise" she says "well I'm going to go take a nap all that laughing wore me out. Thanks Lo" I say sarcasticly "anytime munchkin" she says I roll my eyes and climb into my bunk.
skip to the venue
I'm awaken by whip cream being smashed in my face. "What the hell!" I yell "Haha and let the prank war begin" I hear Dinah say. "Dinah I'm so getting you back for this" I say whipping my face with my face with my blanket as I hear all of them laughing. I get out of my bunk and strech. "Why did you wake me up?" I ask "because Demi's doing Soundcheck and we figured you wanted to watch" Normani says "ummm sure but you could've just shook me awake" I say "We tried but you're a heavier sleeper than Dinah." Ally says "Well when I nap,I nap hard" I say causing them all to laugh "Alright enough talking let's go watch Demi!" Camila says excited we all laugh I jump on Laurens back "well hey there monkey" she says grabbing onto my legs I laugh "I thought Mila was the monkey cause she likes bananas" I say "Okay then wassup chipmunk" she says I laugh "not much just hanging" I say "I can see that" she says as she places me down I see Demi on stage with Mike playing the beginning of Believe in Me. I smiled because when I was 8 she used to sing this to me when I had nightmares. This helped me get through so many nights but listening to it now was different. Demi's voice sounded so much stronger and this time when she was singing it,it felt like there was still hope for me. it felt like Demi was telling me not to give up and to Believe in myself and for once in my life I did. What snapped me out of my thoughts was the crowd Going crazy. "Thank you all so much hope to see you guys at the show! I love you guys!" Demi says while she came running side stage. she ran straight to me and hugged me. "Hey babygirl!" She says excited "Whoa Dems how much sugar have you had?" I say "none I'm just super pumped" she says smiling "awesome Soundcheck Demi!" I hear a voice behind me say I turn around and see the one and only Nick Jonas "Uncle jerry!" I say hugging him "hey Dan" he says chuckling at our little inside joke. You see when I first met him I though his name was jerry so I kept calling him 'uncle jerry' it wasn't until I was 9 that I found out his name was Nick. "What are you doing here?" I ask "I'm the stage director." he says "So I'll see you on the tour too" I ask "yea for the next couple of shows" he says "yay!" I say "Okay well Dani I'm going to go get ready for the show and girls are going on stage do you just want to stay here and watch them?" Demi asks "um sure" I say As I pull up a chair. "Kay I love you see you after the show" she says running off to the dressing room. I watched the girls dance to Boss and start to sing along. Towards the end of their set they all look at eachother and all nod. "For the next song we'd like to bring up someone special on stage." Camila says "So please give a warm welcome to Dani lovato!" she says as they all wave me on stage. I'm handed a mic as I hear the girls start to sing sledgehammer. I decide to join in at the chorus.
if you could take my pulse right now it would feel just like a sledgehammer if you could feel my heartbeat now it would hit you just like a sledgehammer. you're taking over the beat of my body but you just let up you just don't let up you're taking over the beat of my body but you lift me up lift me up if you could take my pulse right now it would feel just like a sledgehammer
I looked around and saw that everyone was going nuts. By the end of the song I hugged the girls and went backstage. I went over to where Demi gets shot up into the stage through this little elvator thing. I saw her running over here. "there you go Dems" I say handing her a mic. "Thanks baby" she says kissing my forehead "Good luck!" I say "I don't need it as long as you're here I know I'm going to have a good show" she says smiling before she's lifted on stage. I go back to the dressing room to see the girls all sitting on the couch and watching Demi's show through this tv. "Hey Dani you were amazing out there!" Ally says "Thanks" I say "yea you're a natural" Lauren says as I sit next to her "yea and I think I know where you get it from" Camila says I start sweating because I thought she knew the secret of me being Demi's daughter. "from who?" I ask "From Demi since she is your sister duh" Normani says "oh yea haha" I say in relief. I lay down in Laurens lap since I was feeling sleepy. I looked up at the screen to see Demi singing Nightingale this song always puts me to sleep. Sleep sounds good right about now.
Demi's POV
I looked out at the crowd of people all here to see me do what I love and smiled. "Alright guys this is my last song of the night so I want to see everyone on thier feet going crazy!" I say into the mic. They all cheer in response. "Alright then" I say As I gave my band a nod and they began to play Give your Heart a Break. I was running around stage as I high fived people and was just dancing with them. "Goodnight Vancouver! I love you all!" I say As I'm lowered down the elvator thing. I hand one of the crew members my mic and head to the dressing room. "Hey Demi you were amazing as usual" Ally says "Thanks Ally where's Dani" I ask "she's right here" Lauren says pointing to her lap. I look over and see Dani sleeping peacefully on Laurens lap. "awww I gotta take a picture of this." I say As I take my phone out.
looks like someone's all worn out from the first day of the #NEONLIGHTSTOUR Day 1 was a blast! she's so cute tho I couldn't resist sorry babygirl
I smile as I posted it and tagged her as well as Lauren because we'll she was sleeping on her lap. "Alright will you guys help me carry her back to the bus?" I ask "yea I'll take the kid" Dinah says picking her up bridal style she moves around until her head is resting on Dinah's shoulder. We all head back to the bus and Dinah puts Dani her bunk while tuck her in. I kiss her head and whisper "Goodnight babygirl sweet dreams" I turn to Dinah "Thanks for carrying her in" I say "it was no problem." She says "well I'm headed to bed as well Goodnight Dinah" I say "Night Demi" she says. "Goodnight!" I yell throughout the bus I get a couple good nights in return. I climb into my bunk as I fall into a peaceful sleep.
A/N: Hey guys sorry for not posting for so long but I'm back! so what did you guys think of this chapter? if you guys have any feedback or ideas leave them in the comments I would love to hear from you guys. Well until next time I love you

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