Chill Demetria

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Danis POV

I got out of the hospital a few days after the almost dieing incindent. May has also been out of the hospital for a while now. Demi has pretty overprotective of me. I mean anytime i go somewhere she has to come even if its just down the block. I mean I love her and all but i need my space. I was in our room bored and had nothing to do. When i came up with the idea of going to the beach with May. I knew Demi was gonna wanna join so thats why im sneaking out. Yes you heard right Dani Lovato sneaking out. I decided to text May.
D:hey u wanna go to the beach?
M:yea sure wht time
D:Um fiveish
M:kay ill pick u up around
D:yea just pick me up behind the house i dnt want Demi to come.
M:mkay c u soon babygurl
D:c ya

Since May is a couple years older than me i consider her like another big sister except she is way more chill than Demi. I went to go change into some beach clothes made sure i had my phone on me. I looked to see if demi was near by but there was no sign of her. Easy Escape. i Cheaked the time 3:50 May should be here soon so i hopped out the window. Once i saw Mays car i hopped in and hugged her. "Hey how've you been." i say "im good what about you hows that slug of yours." she says "Im good and its shrinking i hope." i say She put her middle finger to my head. i laughed "what are you doing." i say "flipping that stupid slug off. Get out of my babygirls brain." she says I laughed. As we drove to the beach we blasted the music and sang at the top of our lungs. Once we were at the beach May pulled out two towels from the trunk and Sunscreen which is important. We picked a spot near the ocean and put some sunscreen on. "so why did you wanna have a beach day." May asks laying on her back. "What i cant spend time with my best friend." i say She laughs "no but seriously." she says "I dont know its just that Demi has been very overprotetive of me since i got out of the hospital. I mean she literally follows me everywhere." i say "That must be annoying." she says "oh it is. i just wish she would be more chill you know." i say "yea but we are here to have fun no." she says "yea that we are." i say "Then last one in the water is a rotten egg." She says getting up and runinng to the ocean. "not fair cheater." i say running after her.I ended up wining even though she had a huge head start. We spent hours at the beach just spashing eachother and building sandcastles it was so much fun. After the beach we hit the movie we went to go see The Hunger Games since May hadnt seen it.
After the movie

"That was the best movie ever." May said as we walked out of the movie. "Right. oh and by the way peeta is mine." i say "no hes mine." she says We countinued for about five minutes thats When we decided to go to the arcade inside the movie theater. We spent an hour trying to get a purple stuffed unicorn for Demi as an im sorry for sneaking out gift. "Alright last quater if this dosent work then i guess no unicorn for demi." i say i put the quater in and lowered the claw to the purple unicorn and i acuatally got it. "sweet dude you got it." May says highfiving me. "yay maybe this will cool demi down a little before she kills me." i say "yea good luck with that dan." she says as i got the unicorn from the machine. Once we pulled up to my house i hugged May goodbye. "good luck babygirl try not to get killed." she says i chuckle and say "ill try." i say i got out of the car and waved her off. Then i had to face The beast AKA Demetria Devonne Lovato. This should be fun. I walk in and i hear. "Danilla lovato where have you been." i look up to see Demi arms crossed and she looked pretty pissed. "just went to go hang out with May." i say "Well why havent you been answering your phone." she asks pretty angry "oh yea it died." i say "Why didnt you tell me?" she says as we enter our room. "Because i knew you would tag along. Ever since i got out of the hosipital you've been like my shadow and never leaving my side. I need my space you need to chill Demetria." i say "The only reason ive been doing that is in case you have another seizure or something" she says "Well thats not gonna happen i dont need you following me around. im not a baby anymore demi. i can take care of myself." i say "you are twelve fucking years old dani and have cancer." she says "its not cancer demi its just a brain slug that will dissaper with the chemo. im not dieing Demi." i say "i know you're not babygirl. im sorry its just that ever since i saw your heart moneter go from up and down to a flat line. im just afraid im gonna loose you." she says "its ok demi i forgive you. and you're stuck with me this slug isnt gonna kill me." i say she laughs and sits next to me. "me and you against the world?" she asks i smile and say "me and you against the world." we hug for what seems for hours "you just need chill Demetria." i say she laughs and we pull back. "dont call me that Danilla." she says joking. "oh i almost forgot. i brought you something but you owe me at least a hundred quarters." i say pulling out the unicorn. "oh my god thank you dan i love it." she says hugging it. "no prob." i say "so chilling out huh?" she says i nod "hows this for chilling out."  she starts tickling me. "Demi stop." i say through my laughter. "never." she says laughing she lays next to me and we just lay there tring to get our breathing back to normal. I lay my head on her cheast. "i love you Demi." i say "i love you too Dani." she says kissing my forehead. I fell asleep in her arms listening to her heartbeat. I love my sister sure we may fight and she may get on my nervers sometimes but at the end of the day shes my sister and i love her for that.
A/N:hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you guys have any ideas for this story please leave them in the comments. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS. love you guys

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