Xfactor Day

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Demis POV

i woke up to my alarm i turned it off and looked down Dani was on my chest still asleep. I smiled and kissed the top of her head. i slid from under her and went to go take a shower. Once i was done i picked out an outfit and went to do my make up.  When i was done i called simon to make sure it was ok to bring Dani with me.
S:Hello Demi How are you
D:Hey grandpa i was wondering if i could bring Dani with me today.
S:Yea go ahead and bring the little monster
D:ok be there in five minutes

"babygirl wake up." i say softly shaking her
Danis POV

"babygirl wake up." i hear Demi say while shaking me. "five more minutes" i say burring my face into one of her pillows. "Then i guess you're not coming with me to the xfactor." she says "ugg fine ill be up in a sec." i say then i fell cold water "Demi what the hell." i say now wide awake. "sorry dan." she says "its ok now give me a hug." i say "Dani no i just put this on." she says i jump on her back. "to my room." i say she laughs but gives me a piggyback ride to my room. She then went downstairs to make breakfest i assume. i get into my usaul outfit then head downstairs. "Morning Dan." i hear marrisa say "Morning." i say giving her a hug. We sat down to eat breakfest then headed to the studio. We saw the judges "Hey britney." i say giving her a hug "hey sweetie how are you." she says "im good and you." i say "im great." she says i went over to where LA was. "yo wassup LA" i say giving him a fist bump "Not much whats up with dog." he says "same old same old." i say "cool." he says "Hey gramps whats up." i say "oh great now i have to deal with both you and Demi today now wont i." simon says "thats right." i say i followed Demi and Marrisa to Demis dressing room and we just sorta chilled. "so Dani you excited to see the show." Demi asks "um excited doesnt even begin to explain how excited i am." i say she laughs "um excuse me i hate to inturupt your little sister moment but Demi we go on in ten minutes." Simon says "Aw simon you always have to ruin the fun." Demi whines "Thats what im here for." he says "alright marrisa take care of dani she can be a handful." Demi says "oh trust me i know." Marrisa says "Hey im right here." i say "i know you are and i love for that." Demi says hugging me. "Be good for marrisa ok." she says "ok" i say she heads for the stage. "ok kiddo lets head to our seats."  Marrisa says i nod and follow her. Our seats were near the judging panel and i could see Demi. She waved at us and the held up a piece of paper that said 'i love you' i heard a bunch of screams her fans mustve thought it was for them but i knew it was for me. Then a contesten came out. A couple acts later this guy came out and he looked creepy. "he looks like a stalker." i whisper to marrisa she laughs. The dude did this creepy act thank god simon stopped him. He went to Demi and she said something that i didnt catch and then he said "thats why you use autotune and i dont." "alright let me at him." i say i was about to run onstage and punch the guy hes lucky marrisa was holding me back. After the auditions marrisa and i went to Demis dressing room. "theres my babygirl." Demi says as she entered the room. She ran over to me and picked me up and started spining me in circles. i laughed "Demi im 12 not 5" i say "yea but you're still my babygirl." she says giving me a wet kiss on my cheek. "ew gross." i say whiping off her spit. "oh shut up you love me." she says i roll my eyes "whatever." i say "oh really it looks like someones not getting any ice cream." she says "ice cream?" i say "or going to the arcade" marrisa says "Arcade i love you guys." i say hugging them both "we love you too dan." marrisa says "now cmon lets go." we head to the car and went to cold stone I got cookie dough Demi got Vanilla and Marrisa got chocalate. Then we piled back into the car and headed torwards the arcade. When we got there we all had a sugar rush so it was tons of fun. "ok dan your pick what do you wanna do." Demi says "Bumber cars." i say "ok then leggo." marrisa says. I tried and hit them as much as i could it was so much fun. "alright time head home." marrisa says "oh cmon guys one more game." i say "sorry dan the arcade about to close." demi says "well im not leaving." i say staying put when i feel some pick me up. "you gonna act like a kid you are gonna be treated like one." Demi says i roll my eyes and just enjoy the ride. she opens the backseat and puts me in. I put on my seatbelt then we head home. "Alright dan go brush your teeth then go to bed ill be there in a minute." Demi says i nod and do as she says. i put on her old ACDC shirt and wait for her. She climbs in a couple minutes later. i snuggle up and she pulls me close. "Thanks for an amazing day." i say "you are so welcome. i really do love you Dani do you know that." she says "yea i know i love you too Dem." i say she kisses my head as i fall asleep.
A/N:hey guys so heres another chapter. If u guys have any ideas for the story please leave them in the comments. THERE ARE NO BAD IDEAS. love you guys

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